Saturday, August 18, 2007

big whinger

I hurt my left shoulder at work a few days ago, and is it ever making me a cranky girl. I'm not used to being sick or hurt, and I don't deal with it well. Although, considering my job, I'm lucky I didn't do something worse like hurt my back. Much as I love gardening, it is certainly hard on your body. I'm not too thrilled with the idea of being old before my time, which is what happens when you're a professional gardener. It comes from all that time in the sun (hence the brown, wrinkled skin) and physical labour (which gives you chronic aches and pains). Hopefully an easy, relaxed weekend will make me feel all better when I go back to work next week.

In spite of the nagging pain, I am trying to knit anyway. I have just 2 more toys to finish up for a big order I've been working on for the past few months. It will be good to finally get them all done and sent off, so I can think about knitting some for my shop. It would be nice to have a few toys in there for the holiday season. I will probably also offer spots for custom toys, which I will advertise here, so keep an eye open if you're interested.

I have in mind a tutorial on making toy faces, to be posted in the blog whenever I can get the photos taken. In my experience, it's one of the hardest but most important parts of making these toys. Getting the face just right gives the toy so much character, which can then be complemented by the clothes, giving the toy it's overall personality. I plan to include a list of the types of eyes I prefer, and how to make different kinds of noses. Ears are important too, but I might include them in another tutorial.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see this tutorial - and I bet people on the knitted toy ravelry group would like a link to it too.
