Sunday, August 26, 2007

sewing frenzy

I promised a bunch of ten bags to a friend for the end of August, and promptly became so busy I forgot about them. Thankfully, most of the crazy business is over for now, and I got all ten made today. I'm quite happy about some of the fabric combinations I came up with, and it was so satisfying to use bits of the lovely fabrics I bought from Purl Soho. I had an unexpected surprise when working on one of them - I found a scrap of fabric left-over from a skirt I made years ago is almost the identical print to one of the Purl Soho fabrics, just in slightly different colours. I guess my tastes haven't changed much over the years.

I hope to get pictures of the bags tomorrow, and will put up a link in case you're interested in seeing them. The bags will become part of sock knitting kits offered by Zen Yarn Garden. The last kits she made with my bags sold like hot cakes, so you'll have to keep your eyes open if you want one! The yarns she dyes are gorgeous too (she was kind enough to dye some merino/bamboo yarn just for me).

I have a crazy new idea for pin-cushions too, but need to locate an essential ingredient before attempting to make one. The idea was inspired by my sister, who has a habit of spilling her pins on the floor. I could use a couple new ones myself, so I don't mind wasting some materials on experimenting.

Being creative sometimes works against my good intentions, I find. I would love to get other projects done or make a bunch of toys for my shop, but new ideas pop out of my brain all the time, and I can't stop thinking about them until I make an attempt at creating whatever it is I imagined.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling... Right now, I am currently on 3 projects, officially, but I have ideas for at least 7 others... I must finish something soon, because otherwise I will be flooded with projects!!!

    Interesting projects you have, by the way!
