Wednesday, September 26, 2007

learning sometimes hurts

I'm taking a break from knitting toys for a while. I started a lovely tuque, knit from alpaca/silk/merino tweed in green, white, and orange. I even used a lacy leaf pattern to make it more autumnish. But after nearly finishing it twice, I have come to the conclusion that I may not have enough yarn. It is waiting for me to decide how to proceed.

I was planning to take only a single pair of socks on my honeymoon - using the wyvern pattern with my sail-away yarn. Waves and ocean colours seemed appropriate for a trip to Nova Scotia. I thought a head start couldn't hurt, so made a start last night and knit a little this morning. I am trying the magic loop method with one circular needle, for the first time. For good or ill, I am the type of person who likes to figure things out for herself, even when I have access to lots of useful information. After a bout of cursing and grumbling, I managed to figure out the hang of it. Now I have two very pretty socks (although they are only 1 inch long so far). Unfortunately (who didn't see that coming?) this method makes me knit in a tighter gauge, and the socks are too small.

Time to frog the knitting, and try not to curse and grumble about my faults.

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