Saturday, October 27, 2007

pig-cushion happiness!

Originally uploaded by baprime
Thanks to my awesome Mr. Mitten, I have solved the problem of the weak magnet inside my pin-cushions. It involves the recycling of a rare-earth magnet that would otherwise be thrown out. I'm not sure what will become of my huge roll of sheet magnet, but I'll figure that out another day.

I would like to thank all the lovely people who visit my blog, whether you regularly leave comments or not. I think I'm over that bit of insecurity :) You can win the pin-cushion in the picture, plus one of my knitting patterns*, just by leaving a comment on any blog post between Oct. 21 and Nov. 3. On Nov. 4 I will put everyone's name in a hat (one entry per person), and draw the winner. I will announce the winner on my blog, and the lucky person will need to send me an email (barbara { at } fuzzymitten {dot} com) with their mailing address and pattern choice.

I will hopefully be making more of these in the next few weeks, so you will have a chance to buy one from my Etsy shop if you don't win. I have other cute fabrics too, in case you don't like pigs.

* if you don't knit, I will think of some other surprise to send with the pin-cushion.


  1. Hi Barbara,
    I've been enjoying knitting your patterns for several moths now. They're a lot of fun!

  2. Ever since I saw the piggies from that fabric, I've loved them!!!

  3. I love the piggies!! The pincushion looks perfect.

  4. Just discovered your blog and am delighted with your knitting patterns and designs. Your pincushion that is magnetic is such a great idea.

  5. Awesome pin it! I don't sew but it's a great idea! :)

  6. I just discovered your blog too. I'm off to explore it a bit more.

  7. I want the owl one I think that it is lovely.
    Just got your tiger pattern for my Mom in Portugal. See how your patterns travel.

  8. hi barbara,

    the pin cushion came out really well, i've never seen a pin cushion with a magnet in it!
