Thursday, October 25, 2007


I finally feel ready to start my pincushion project. I have three new toys for my shop, so I can give knitting a break for the day. I have all the materials I need, and my sewing machine is back home. I have the whole day off, with only a couple minor errands to run. Now I just have to come up the the design!

That's not entirely true - the design has been very clear in my mind for a couple months now, I just haven't had the chance to see if it will actually work. Fortunately, I need a couple pincushions myself, so if the first few tries don't work out so well they will still be useful.

I'm hoping to sell a few of these in my Etsy shop, and maybe give away a few as Christmas presents. Mostly I want them for craft sales which I'm hoping to do next year. I'm not sure what sales yet because I only know of one in Montreal, and I haven't looked into getting involved with that one yet. I want to do one in the Spring and one in the Autumn, if I can manage to get enough toys and other stuff made.

By the way, is anyone finding this blog interesting or useful? I know that sounds horribly self-conscious, and probably a bad thing to admit out loud, as it were. I'm simply feeling like the stuff I write is not catching anyone's attention, although that might be due to the derth of comments (except for my friend Dilu, thanks!). I suppose I started writing this blog to help others make my toys, with tutorials and such, which I've been too busy to put together yet. I also wanted it to be a way to communicate my love of crafting and life in general, with crafty people in other places that I'll never get to meet.

Creative writing has never been a strong skill of mine. I suppose I thought practice, a strong desire to write well, and love for what I do would be enough to make this blog successful. There are so many blogs out there that make me laugh out loud, or teary-eyed, or just plain excited about creating something beautiful and unique. I'm not ready to give up yet, but I might set myself a time limit of say, five months from now. If by the end of March, I still feel like this is a useless exercise and my writing has not improved, I will say so long. I will keep the blog open only to announce shop updates and other goings on.

*sigh* Okay, I think that's enough emotional dumping for one day. Off the the sewing machine!


  1. Hi Barbara,

    just to say i read your blog! i think its really nice. i have a blog too so i know exactly what you mean,not everyone who reads leaves a comment, so you've no idea if you have any audience at all. oh the paranoia!

  2. Hi Barbara,

    I drop by often...hi from Roxanne! I, however, don't always have time to comment either and lots of people drop by and won't comment. I like your blog. How about installing a tracker from It'll show you there's visitors but they aren't commenting....LOL Have a great day!

  3. I totally know how you feel. Actually, in the past days, I've been wondering too if anyone really reads what I write in my blog and if it is of interest.

    Your blog is in my RSS feed reader, so I don't miss a post whenever a new one is available! I'd say, forget what people reading you might think. Just focus on saying what you want to say. Focus on the passion and the pleasure or the content you want to express. The best way to make it interesting is for you first to have fun doing it. After that, the rest doesn't matter. (I need to tell that to myself too!)

    It is your space, show your colors, do what you want of it! And I am sure that it'll be great!

  4. Hi Barbara, I just found your blog via Ravelry and am currently reading the past posts. I love your stuffed animals, they are super cute and I love how you make clothes for them. When I have my to-do list down to a more manageable size I will order your book. I often read blogs without commenting, but I know how wonderful it is to get a comment so I try to make more of an effort now, especially with the blogs that don't get many comments. I like the intimate feel of your blog - please keep it going.
