Friday, November 30, 2007

sneek peek

fuzzy hats
Originally uploaded by baprime
To whet your interest for my December feature pattern :)

The one on the sheep is the same pattern as the hat on the silly duck - a very simple, buttom-up tuque (or winter hat, for the non-Canadians). The one on the kitty is knit from the bottom-up, has tiny cables and a pom-pom. The one on the rabbit (who was knit just for this photo shoot) is called the Wabbit Hat. I was asked to design a silly hat for bunnies, and this is the first idea that came to me. What can I say, except I think I watched Bugs Bunny most Saturday mornings of my childhood, and an Elmer Fudd hat seemed too perfect to not knit. It is a little tricky making the ear holes, but I hope some of you will try this.


  1. They are so gorgeous!! I am so waiting for them to be up on etsy to buy the patterns!!

  2. The trio are adorable and I especially love the bunny.
