Friday, May 9, 2008


This is when I wish for a ball winder.


  1. My swift & ball winder are yours any time you want to come into town to use them.

  2. those colours look so great like spring.

  3. I have one! I got it from my 86 year old grandmother a few years ago, it was part of her knitting machine set. You know when it comes in really handy? When you are unravelling something previously knitted/crocheted!! I had a half done single bed sized blanket that I decided after 6 years I probably wouldnt finish ... that ball winder gave me about 50 balls of wool!!!

  4. OH MY GOSH! Those colors are so yummy! But wait! You don't have a ball winder? That's a major tragedy! They're so much fun to play with.

    Loving your babies but I'm wishing for a goat! :)

  5. yep, you're going to have some bulging biceps after working your way through that lot! Great colours though so it will be worth it in the end!
