Saturday, July 23, 2011

elephant in the works

I've been working on an idea for a new pattern for a few months now. Back in the Spring, I knit a custom toy for an acquaintance, and I loved the finished toy so much that I knew I had to publish the pattern. You can see this toy in the photo below: a Scraps Chaps style elephant! People had been asking me for a long time to design an elephant, but there are so many elephant patterns out there, it took me a while to come up with an idea for one that would be all Fuzzy Mitten style.

However, while I love the scrappy look of that elephant, I thought I would try something a little different for the actual pattern. My original inspiration for the Scraps Chaps was Noro yarn, with it's interesting texture and beautiful long colour changes. However, that yarn always seemed too pricey to use for a toy, so I came up with the alternative of using yarn scraps. But now there are several other companies with similar yarns at a more affordable price, specifically Knit Picks Chroma yarn.

So, I ordered myself a ball, in the Midwinter colourway, which seemed perfect for an elephant. Sneaking in bits of knitting time here and there (this is a real challenge with a toddler and baby in the house), I've finally managed to knit up all the pieces. They're just waiting for a larger chunk of time for me to put the toy together.

So now I need to decide if that is all the pattern will include, i.e. an elephant knit in your choice of worsted weight yarn. Or, if I want to include something else with the toy. Usually my patterns come with a clothing outfit, and since the Scraps Chaps don't fit my other clothing patterns, this would be a good choice. But I have too many ideas, and I'm just not sure what you'd like! I've drawn sketches for a raglan cardigan, a shawl-collar coat, a shrug, and a shawl. But I'm open to other suggestions.

On the other hand, I have a couple other ideas floating around. Maybe I should write it up with more sizes, with the original Scraps Chaps style being medium (about 12" tall), plus larger and smaller sizes knit with thicker and thinner yarns. Or perhaps I should include other animals in the pattern, like how the Scraps Chaps comes with instructions for a rabbit, dog, and lion.

Since this is all rather a bit complicated to put in a poll, I'll just let you leave a comment with the option you'd like best. Now, of course I won't be able to please everyone, since I'm just looking for one good idea to include with the elephant pattern. Perhaps the weight of opinion will point me to the most popular choice, or perhaps I'll come up with something all on my own (that's happened before - but I do value your input anyway). Anyway, I will let you know when I've decided, and if all goes well, the pattern should be ready by the end of the summer!


  1. I think the elephant should come with a little trunk (valise, I mean). Clothes just don't seem right to me...

  2. I like the idea of another collection of animals like you had for the first Scraps Chaps collection.

  3. Adorable! I vote for clothing...what about a cute stocking cap with holes for his ears to stick through?

  4. Perhaps a little mouse as a best friend ;)

  5. The shawl collar coat sounds fun - sort of fits the dignity of an elephant. I find that I make all my things in different sizes very easily simply by changing sizes of needles and yarn - perhaps I am naive. But every toy I make is unique - so the different sizes in the pattern - I shrug. I'm not sure it seems worth the work. Glad you're doing the trunk-man, though - everything you turn out is charming.

  6. maybe the toy could have a toy to cuddle of his own. Like instead of a coat he could be cuddling a smaller elephant.

  7. I am thinking a dress....with cap sleeves of course!

  8. I second the vote for the shawl collar coat. I'd also love to see a cardigan or robe-style sweater. I've also got a picture in my head of a modification of your leotard - tutu combo (maybe with legwarmers and slippers) to fit the elephant. Who doesn't love a dancing elephant :)

  9. The author of this blog has such a grand taste of design~~

    Good background and theme ;)


  10. My first thought was a top hat - a bit quirky but I like Rooie's idea of holes for the ears to stick through. I also really likepearly queen's suggestion of a trunk. How about both.
    Love the new pattern by the way

  11. love the elephant pattern. How about a top hat - maybe with holes for ears as suggested by Rooie and I love the trunk idea suggested by pearly queen. What about both?

  12. I think a little sun dress and purse would be adorable! I love this pattern!!

  13. I think the elephant should have some friends, a couple more scrappy pals

  14. I'd like to see him in an open vest.

    Or I love the idea of more Scraps Chaps. The elephant would fit nicely in a trio with a giraffe (with a l-o-n-g scarf accessory) and a camel.

  15. I'd like to see him in a little open vest.

    And in a scraps chaps trio . . . with a giraffe (sporting a l-o-n-g scarf) and a camel - or an ostrich! :0)

  16. I agree with Pearly Queen! A valise and maybe a beret?? You are so very talented!!
