Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Robert Mahar of Mahar Dry Goods just bought Pete! I love his little toy store, because everything in it is made by crafty people like me. People who make just a few items at a time, or make everything unique, and put all their effort and creativity into each item. I don't want to get too excited about the fact that he bought one of my toys, but it is super cool nonetheless.

I started knitting Pete on my honeymoon, so he is kinda special to me. I will have to give him a few extra cuddles before taping him into a parcel. I love his nubbly, curly fleece. I wish I had more of that yarn.

Someone wants me to knit a tiny, fuzzy siamese kitten. What kind of yarn will I use for that, I wonder? I have brown alpaca sock yarn in two shades of brown I think I could use, but I'm not sure if it will be fuzzy enough for her. Anyone know of something very fuzzy, fine, and not too expensive?

Oh. and thanks so much everyone for your nice comments! I wish I could send you all an email saying how much I appreciate your reading my little blog, but Blogger won't let me do that.

As for the Malabrigo yarn, if it is as nice as it's reputation, I'm afraid I may want to use it for all my future projects! I may have to make a trip to my LYS very soon, to remind myself that there are TONS of beautiful yarns out there :)


  1. Congrats Barbara! I worked with Robert really early on - he loved some of my crochet items. I just wish I had more time to continue working with him...he is so nice! Your toys would be a wonderful addition to his online boutique.

  2. Congrats that is wonderful news!!!!
