Thursday, November 1, 2007

imagining monsters

I was reading blogs today, and came across another softie maker mentioned on the PlushYou! blog. I thought her monsters were so great, I wanted to blog about them too, even if I am a day late for monster-related stuff. I really wanted to use a picture of one of her toys to go with the post, so I checked on Flickr, but nobody will let me use one! It's not like I'm trying to steal the pictures, or anything nefarious like that. Maybe if I had taken the time to write to the toy maker, and ask her for a photo to go with the post, she would be been okay with it. But there would go any spontaneity in my writing.

So you will just have to imagine these monsters: cool, multi-coloured, small to huge, big buggy eyes, jagged teeth, claws and all. It has planted the seed of cute, knitted monsters of my own. Maybe someday...

If you want to have a look at her stuff, rather than imagining it, you can go to her website.

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