Sunday, November 4, 2007

lucky winner!

There were 11 people who left comments in the last 2 weeks, so you all had a pretty good chance of winning. The lucky person whose name was drawn from the hat by my lovely assistant (Mr. Mitten) is sara!

Could you please send me an email (barbara at fuzzymitten dot com) with your mailing address and the pattern you would like? I will send the pattern as a pdf file, so you can have that right away. If you don't knit, I will include a surprise with the pincushion.

Thanks so much to everyone who left me a nice comment! I hope you all continue to enjoy reading my little blog.


  1. Congratulations Sara!
    I absolutely adore your patterns so I will definitely be checking back often <3 Mary

  2. Its me its me I am so excited.
    I will email you now.
    I never win. I am so excited.
