Monday, November 5, 2007

no time for me

soft pair
Originally uploaded by baprime
I knew the last couple months before Christmas would be a busy time for me, but I still hate that I have no time to knit anything for myself. I started a pair of socks, but felt so guilty about knitting them I put them away over a week ago. The greenish yarn in the photo is some hand-spun BFL a friend gave me for my birthday. The bluish yarn is some amazingly soft hand-spun I picked up In Nova Scotia on my honeymoon. I plan to use them together in a neck warmer of my own design. I am itching to get started with this stuff, but I am strong enough to put it aside and make the toys on order.

But come the middle of December, it's all about me! I plan to give myself two months of just knitting what I want. This may include the twin to the sock I knit for my husband last year. If the sweet, soft yarns for my socks and sweater don't tempt me too much ;)


  1. Both yarns look yummy. Irresistable. I don't know how you do it - I'd have to cast on straight away!

  2. It isn't easy to leave them be. The blue one is softer than a baby bunny, and sometimes I take it out just to pet it :)

  3. Aww - it must be really hard to bring yourself to use your 'pet' yarn! :) Both yarns look gorgeously soft and I have a bunny called Max, so I know how soft a bunny is! Lucky you for finding such lovely wool.
