Monday, August 25, 2008

Pickle in a jar

Pickle in a jar, originally uploaded by mricon.

Mr. Mitten here, filling in for Mrs. Mitten, who is on a temporary posting hiatus (lots of projects going on here, many of which we can't announce yet, at least until all the bits and pieces are settled -- please have patience! :)).

We had our mid-pregnancy ultrasound today, which went very smoothly. Looks like we're brewing a healthy baby boy! I was a bit surprised when the gender was announced (can you tell from the video?), because our doctor had said that she was getting a "gut feeling" it was going to be a girl. Goes to show how much she knows, eh? :)

We would have been quite happy with either, really -- right now it simply means that we get to discard (or, rather, put on hold) half the potential names we were "trying on" to see how they rolled off the tongue. :) Since I was born and grew up in Russia, we would like to pick a name that is suitable to both sets of grandparents, and that won't clash too much with the kid's unwieldy patronymic and last name. "Bob Konstantinovich Ryabitsev" just doesn't sound right, wouldn't you agree?

So, a boy it is. We'll try not to smother him with toys. :)


  1. congrats! I love boys (I have two of them so I should) and they are a ton of fun.

  2. Many congratulations to you both!! I have 2 boys (and 1 girl) all grown up now - Good luck with the name!! Mine were all smothered with my hand-knitted toys!! Go for it !!

    Cheers Lucy

  3. How exciting - a boy!
    Be careful with the name. Don't make it a weird spelling - or it will be mispelled all his life. Consider nicknames of the full name. You know kids are cruel and will make fun if at all possible.
    Get sleep now - once he arrives you won't get a lot of sleep for the next 18 years. You will love it!

  4. Congratulation boys are so cute and loving, he is a lucky boy just think of all the wonderful toys he will have.

  5. Congratulations to you both and thank you for sharing your special moment with your baby boy. Makes it all seem real now, doesn't it? I'm sure you will be brilliant parents.

  6. Well if you name him Bob, his initials would be BRR and that could lead to teasing. Congrats!

  7. Aww! How wonderful! My firstborn is a boy and he was so much fun! Congrats to both of you :)

  8. Yay! Great news! And luckily, boys need cuddlies too. :)

  9. How sweet of you to share your special moment with all of us! Thank you and congrats!

  10. Barbara,
    Congratulations on your baby boy. What great fun you both have in store for you!

    Please help. I purchased your Fuzzy Mittens book quite a while ago and have had great fun with it. Recently I purchsed some more patterns from you one being "Well Dressed Bunny." I was very happy to see that included in this pattern are more specific directions for assembly. Especially the top of the foot. Mine just never come our satisfactory to me. I have been searching for directions to the "Shoulder stitch" or "fake grafting;" The closest thing I have found is the kitchner stitch which does not apply to this situation. Please if you could point me in the right direction!

  11. Try this blog for some nice illustrations of fake grafting (you need to scroll down a bit for the photos).

  12. And what a BEAUTIFUL little pickle he is too! I am so happy for you both! Keep us updated!

  13. Barbara,
    Thank you so much! Nony has a comment that says "Stitch and Bitch" calls this fake grafting and I have that book!
    Hope you and baby are doing well today.
