Tuesday, August 19, 2008

time off

There's plenty going on here these days, but not much I can talk about. I love surprises, both getting and giving them, but it does leave me with a lack of things to share with you. I can say that the new pattern for September is being test-knit, and that seems to be going well. I'm super busy creating and knitting for something that will come out later in the fall. But over the last few weeks, I haven't felt much like writing here, and I think that means I need a little time off. Never fear! I will be busily working away on fun new stuff for you, and I'm sure after a little break I will be bursting with news I want to share. Expect me back here the first week of September, hopefully to announce the new pattern.

Hugs everyone, and I hope you are able to really enjoy these last couple weeks of summer!


  1. I look forward to seeing the new pattern(s). You sound like you need some time off and perhaps a bit of rest - I'm glad you are taking it.

  2. It is always good to follow your heart...I wanted you to know i posted about the pattern i bought from you on my blog. I am taking a knitting class just so that i can learn to make lovely things like your dolls. Take good care...mare

  3. Hi Barbara,

    Take your time! We'll still be here when you get back. :) Looking forward to reading about all you new things!

    Take care,
