First things first, the feature pattern for January will be a cardigan with tiny cables. I had lots of people ask about the cardi this wee cutie is wearing, so hopefully you will all enjoy knitting this for your little toys.

There will also be a unicorn pattern to replace the reindeer. I need to order yarn to knit up the new pattern, so this might not be ready until the end of January. I really want to use some fun, sparkly eyelash yarn! So if you have a ball hanging around your stash, or see something pretty in a bargain bin, think unicorns! When this pattern comes out, I may also try putting together a tutorial. I know this pattern is complicated, with lots of seaming, but the finished toy is so awesome I would love for more people to try it out.
My wonderful hubby has also put together a new, non-holiday version of our pattern book. This should be available from my Lulu shop within a few days. I also hope to order some so I can offer them in my Etsy shop, and even put together a few more kits. I had so much fun with the first few, I want to try them again! Besides, it gives me an excuse to buy more vintage buttons from the local thrift store :)
I have a few more totally awesome pattern ideas for later in the year, but I think I will save the surprise until closer to when they will be ready.
if its a girl cow you can give it a cute little sun-dress
Sun dress sounds good...
love the cardigan
cant wait to see the new patterns
OOOOH a unicorn!!!
have a lovely and safe newyear
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