I made another fabric toy today: a denim coloured bunny with a dark green vest. He's very chipper looking, and was named Sven by my husband. He has no explanation for the choice, but it stuck. I have come to the conclusion that my choice of fabric determines the final shape and character of the head. It something useful to know, so in future I can choose the right fabric for the toy I want to make.
I'm so pleased that so many people have voted in the poll! I'll wait until it's finished before making any conclusions, though. I noticed later that my choice of post title was pretty funny, and wondered how many of you read "pollo numero uno" on the first go, and thought I was going to write about chickens :D
I finished reading "Bridget Jones' Diary" this evening (I know, super exciting life I lead, isn't it? After that, we watched an episode of Star Trek) Can't understand why I've never read it before, and now want to watch the movie again (and not just to see Colin Firth). Has made me write with no nouns to start my sentences.
In other news, I turn thirty on monday. Horribly exciting, no? I had thought of planning a big birthday picnic and inviting all my friends, but chucked it to spend the day at the Montreal Botanical Gardens with my hubbie. I think I'll pack a lunch of yummy and terribly fattening food (too bad we can't have wine with it) and slide into my next decade without a worry about wrinkles, cellulite, white hairs, or any of that other horrible aging stuff. My husband loves me just as I am (am allowed to be horribly sappy when turning thirty, to take the edge off. Now look at pretty flowers)

In case I don't get back online later...... Happy Birthday for Monday. 30 is not bad. Wait for 60+ !
I hope you have a SUPER birthday. Celebrating your 30th in the gardens sound heavenly. Have a super day and good luck on getting into the craft fair!
Arrgh! To be 30 again! Enjoy your day!
what? no link-love? :)
Have a very happy birthday picnic at the gardens.
Happy birthday dear Barbara 0n Monday!! It is my birthday too (same day!!!! except I will be older - age is just a number!!) I am going to our wonderful zoo with my son, daughter and granddaughter!!
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