I know a few of you guessed already - not so hard, seeing as I have a difficult time keeping exciting news to myself (and have trouble not whining when I feel sick). So yes, Mr. Mitten and I are expecting a baby, due sometime near the end of January. You can see the little one in the image there, so tiny, yet so special! My husband decided to nickname it the Pickle (which makes me the pickle jar), but I enjoy his sense of humour and the name has stuck.
I announced the news to my family while we were on holiday, and everyone seemed pretty excited. It's not my parents' first grandchild, but I'm sure they're still happy to have yet another one to spoil. My favourite part of the holiday, actually, was hearing all the womens' tales of pregnancy at my sister's wedding shower - from from sisters to my aunts and even my grandma and some of her friends. I don't think I've ever felt so connected to other women before, and I was more sad to leave my old home than I've ever been. Having all their support and understanding was exactly what I needed, and I will miss it so much.
I'm starting to feel a little better, and I'm crossing my fingers that the morning sickness will pass soon. There were some days when I was seriously wondering what I had gotten myself into, but hopefully that will soon change into excitement and curiosity at what our child will be like. Anyway, don't worry that this will turn into a blog all about babies! I still have lots of fun knitting to do, and lots of new ideas to share with you.
There will eventually be some changes. I expect things will slow down a lot after Christmas, and there might not be many new patterns next year. But I plan to keep both my shops open, and continue writing here when I can. All of that is some time in the future, though, so no worries yet! I'm just super happy that this little adventure has gone so well, and will allow me to stay at home with my new baby so I don't have to miss anything!
OOO, am I first? Congrats to you and the Mr. of your super news. How exciting! I hope the morning sickness is gone soon. As everyone will tell you - get some sleep now because you won't get much until the pickle moves out! What a fortunate baby to have allt ose wonderful knit toys already in the house just waiting to be played with and drooled on.
Congrats!!!! That is wonderful :)
Felicitations! So very exciting. :)
Congratulations Barbara, I'm so pleased for you and your hubby.
You put your feet up and get your rest, you deserve it.
A little fuzzy baby how exciting I can't wait to see your pregnancy progressing.
Take care
Raynor x
Congrats! Your baby is going to have the cutest toys ever.
congratulations! i wish your little family happiness and health.
Congratulations on the wonderful news. All the best to the both of you .
Take lots of care
all the very best
Congrats to you both, suspected as much. Warning: I had morning sickness throughout the entire pregnancy for every one of my babies.
Ever so pleased for you. Wish you all the very best.
Congrats on the pregnancy...wonderful news!
Congratulations! Babies rock. Even though you don't get to knit as much when you have one.
Congratulations! In the words of Tom Petty "The waiting is the hardest part" :)
How exciting! Congratulations:)
Congratulations! You can share baby knitting with us now! :-)
Yay Barbara - I knew it!!!!!Many many congratulations to you and your dear husband! What a lucky pickle indeed!!
I look forward to hearing of your progress - Every grandchild is precious!! I have a 3yr old DGD who loves my toys!!
So happy for you both - Cheers Lucy
I love the "pickle". My DS was always "Walnut" and my DD was "Beanie". Funny how those things stick.
Hoping the morning sickness is soon a thing of the past. Until then, gingernut biscuits are just the best thing for it!
Brilliant news. Enjoy every minute.
Best wishes.
Oh, how nice! Congrats to both you and your DH!
Years ago, I did a cable show with some middle schoolers called "Reading with Mr. Pickle" and the mascot was a HUGE "Mr. Pickle" stuffed doll. THAT'S what I thought of when you talked about YOUR pickle. :)
Congratulations on your wonderful news! Being pregnant with my three daughters brought me such joy, but not as much joy as they bring me now. Can we expect a Pickle Baby pattern anytime soon?
So now REST and enjoy this special time because, once that little pickle pops out, you won't be resting for a while! :)
How absolutely wonderful; I am thrilled for you and Mr Mitten.
Congratulations!!!! My boys are teenagers now, but I so totally remember the wonder and excitement of being pregnant.
It's a wonderful time, even if morning sickness makes you a bit miserable.
I knew it!! :))) Congratulations to you both!!!
I know how it feels, the morning sickness, yuck. Here's to it passing soon and to a wonderful pregnancy!
OH! I am so happy for you! Congratulations! It WILL get better for sure. I was always so happy when i was carrying a little one. I loved being pregnant, so you know it can't be all bad! hahaha Welcome to the wonderful world of Motherhood. That little baby is so lucky!
That is so exciting! Congratulations. And the nicknames - pickle and pickle jar - awesome. My sister-in-law called hers the parasite and then when the kid was born it became the leech sometimes...
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