Thursday, July 16, 2009

mini alien pattern

Okay, I decided to post the pattern a day early, since you seem so impatient to knit them!

There are directions for both circular knitting and flat knitting. I've tried both and the aliens look just the same. Knit with sport weight yarn, they turn out about 1.5" tall. You could knit them with other weight yarn, with appropriate needles, but I'm not sure what size they would be. These knit up super fast, so you can make pocketfuls in just an hour or two!

Mini Alien

Materials: small amount of sport weight or DK yarn; pair of 8 mm safety eyes, buttons or yarn to embroider face; stuffing; darning needle.

Knit Circular: 3 mm (US size 2.5) circular needle, knit with magic loop method.
Cast on 20 sts. Join in the round. K 1 round.
Row 2: [ssk, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, k2tog] twice.
Row 3: K 1 round.
Repeat rows 2-3.
Row 6: [k3, m1, k4, m1, k3] twice. (24 sts)
Row 7: K 1 round.
Row 8: k1, mb, k8, mb, k13.
Knit 3 rounds.
Row 12: [k2, k2tog] 6 times. (18 sts)
Row 13: K 1 round.
Row 14: [k1, k2tog] 6 times. (12 sts)
Row 15: K 1 round.
Row 16: [k2tog] 6 times. (6 sts)

Break off yarn and thread end though remaining sts. Pull tight to gather, then thread yarn end to wrong side.

Turn alien inside out and secure this yarn end. Attach safety eyes if you're using them. To make antennae, thread a length of yarn under a couple of sts on the top of the head (on the wrong side) and knot securely in the middle, then thread the yarn ends to the right side. Turn alien right side out. Adjust position of antennae if necessary, then knot yarn and trim to 1". Stuff body. Sew bottom side of body, adding a bit of stuffing to legs before closing the seam. You may need to make a couple small stitches around bobble arms to close any holes. Embroider a face if you like.

Knit Flat: 3 mm (US size 2.5) straight knitting needles
Cast on 22 sts. P 1 row.
Row 2: k2, m1, k2, k2tog, ssk, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, k2tog, ssk, k2, m1, k2.
Row 3: P 1 row.
Repeat rows 2-3.
Row 6: k3, m1, k6, m1, k4, m1, k6, m1, k3. (26 sts)
Row 7: P 1 row.
Row 8: k8, mb, k8, mb, k8.
Work 3 rows in st st.
Row 12: k1, [k2, k2tog] 6 times, k1. (20 sts)
Row 13: P 1 row.
Row 14: k1, [k1, k2tog] 6 timesm k1. (14 sts)
Row 15: P 1 row..
Row 16: k1, [k2tog] 6 times, k1. (8 sts)

Break off yarn and thread end though remaining sts. Pull tight to gather. Sew back seam, then follow finishing directions given above.

k = knit
k2tog = knit 2 sts together
m1 = make one by picking up loop between stitch just worked and next stitch, and knit into the back of this loop
mb = make bobble: kfbf, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn p3, turn, k3tog.
kfbf = knit into front of next st, then knit into back of the st, then into front again. Makes 3 sts from 1.
p = purl
ssk = slip 1 st, then slip the next. Insert left needle into the front loops of the slipped sts and knit them together through the back loops
st or sts = stitch or stitches st st = stocking stitch


Anonymous said...

Yay! Alien love! One of these dudes is going to mysteriously appear on my husband's nightstand very soon...

Anonymous said...

gahhhhhhhh they're soooo freaking cute!!!

magswilliams said...

Good lord those are stinkin cute!! i am about to make a million of them!! thanks for the free pattern.

cattiekit said...

It's completely impossible for you to create *any* pattern that isn't completely comsumed by cuteness! Love your stuff *so* much and thanks for the free pattern - too adorable!

cattiekit said...

snapdragons - I think a couple of these may mysteriously appear in my husband's lunch kit....... ;>D

Leslie said...

Oh, so cute! Thank you. :o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks ever so much...ever so cute!


maya | springtree road said...

so cute!

WonderWhyGal said...

Love them! Thanks for the instructions!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Cute! It's nice of you to leave instructions.

Emily said...

What a fun use for yarn leftovers. I'll be knitting a small platoon!

KnitWhit said...

So adorable! This pattern could very easily be altered to make other tiny animals ^_^

CinderLisa said...

These are TOO adorable! I want to make myself half a dozen of them!

Anonymous said...

teehee there will be a few of them moving to transoms as my friends move back on campus. Invasion!!!

Isabella said...

They are so cute .. i HAVE to make one :) .. thank you so much. Your blog is wonderfull :)

KnitSpirit said...

Those little babies are sooooo cute!!! I NEED to knit one of those! ^^ Thank you for the pattern.

KnitSpirit said...

Hi! I've just translated the pattern into French. Can I put it on my blog with a reference to your original pattern?
Thank you in advance for your answer.

TStone said...

Where did you get those cute eyes for the aliens?

Barbara Prime said...

You can find safety eyes like those at as well as many other cute kinds of eyes.

Anonymous said...

May I reprint this pattern in my local guild newsletter? I would give you full credit, of course.

Gwyn Krause
gwyndlyn (at)

Marisa said...

these are lovely. might have to do a few stuffed with catnip and with embroidered eyes for the kitties.

Missbuggz said...

Oh NOES! HALP!! :)
I am only new to knitting anything that isn't a scarf :P Can I please have a translation of this line?

Row 2-3: k2, m1, k2, k2tog, ssk, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, k2tog, ssk, k2, m1, k2. P 1 row.

A> what does ssk mean?
B> What does m1 mean?

I get k2 = knit 2, k2tog = knit 2 together, P 1 row = purl one row (I assume)

Once I get that figured out I'm going to knit about twenty of them :)

Barbara Prime said...

The descriptions of the abbreviations are at the end of the pattern. You can find videos of all the stitches at
If you look at their videos on increases, the stitch I call 'm1' they call 'M1L'

Broda said...

I made 15 of them, one for each of the actors in my theater club, and gave them out on opening night. Thank you so much for the pattern!

Unknown said...

Adorable! I've gotta knit these.


Amanda said...

Love this pattern. I used bigger needles and yarn and so he's a bit bigger but still super cute! Thank you for the pattern. I posted a picture and a link to your website on my blog so everyone can make one of these!

Anna said...

Thanks for a great pattern! I just made one and I think I might do more :-)

CreepySnake said...

Thank you so much for this pattern! I already made 4 and plan on making one for every type of yarn I have in my stash!!

Cayden said...

I just had to write and say how much I LOVE! this pattern.
I've made 3 so far and am just starting my fourth. I fear I may soon be overrun.

The option to knit them flat is great as I'm on holiday and don't have DPNs with me. I even went and found a LYS to get more wool to make loads.

jenglo said...

This pattern is so awesome! I knitted the aliens flat, as I am totally intimidated by dpn's. I posted a blog post about my own experience with this pattern:

Thank you so much for making this available to everyone!

Martha said...

Thank you for such a great pattern for my first amigurumi attempt! My husband loves his and they are going to multiply soon!

Anonymous said...

Love those patterns! They are so darn cute! Perfect for leftover scraps of yarn too!

Vampier Keelr said...

holy extraterrestrial, batman! They are AWESOME!