I've noticed a few chipmunks on Ravelry already. Way to go! I'm glad everyone is enjoying the pattern (and no corrections yet *crossing my fingers*). In case you missed it, we updated the Siamese Kitty pattern. If you'd like the new version, you just need to email me a copy of your receipt for the original pattern or Fuzzy Knits. If you give me your Ravelry username, I can send the pattern to you there, or I will just email it to you. (barbara at fuzzymitten . com)

I followed a Rav ad to your Lulu site, and to here. The fact that your ad read:
1. Buy pattern.
2. Knit toys.
3. Sell toys.
We're cool with that.
You're awesome, for doing such a great job to reintroduce common sense. When I start my Christmas knitting, your book is at the top of my pattern list!
Adorable! Newman and Zoe, my siamese twins, give you two paws up!
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