Wednesday, July 28, 2010

normal lives

I'm sorry for the lack of information regarding the new Alpaca pattern. We had some water in our basement while we were away, which meant pulling apart a chunk of wall and flooring - right in the middle of my work space. We still haven't been able to get everything back together, so I'm unable to take the photos for the pattern. Plus, Mr. Mitten's regular day job has been requiring an awful lot of his energy. In summary, we have pretty normal lives, where annoying things get in the way of us being productive!

However, we hope to fix the basement this weekend (fingers crossed)! We're also trying to figure out a way for me to have more time for Fuzzy Mitten work. The last few months I only get 10-15 minutes at a time, while Lev is not demanding my attention. Adding up to about 4 hours a week, that's not really enough to keep Fuzzy Mitten going long-term. It's awful, feeling torn between my desire to be the good Mama that Lev deserves, but also wanting to continue doing work I love. Hopefully we can come up with a plan that lets me do the work I need and want to do, and also lets Lev and his Dada have some guy-time together.


K said...

Barbara - it's funny. I have so many family and friend blogs that I feel obligated to keep up with - obliged by love and interest, I mean. And I've collected a few from crafty sorts. I even had Pioneer Woman kind of half-way on my list (no more - snore). But there are just a few of these things that, when a new entry shows up, I actually say, "Woo-hoo!!" and hit the link no matter what I was doing. Yours is one of those. You share so much of your learning. And your creating. I'm just sort of sitting on mine. But I always learn something useful from you, and enjoy your tone and the BP who comes through the words. Thank you. Hope the basement repair goes quickly - we lived through months of remodeling and my brain is still fried by it -

Allison said...

I hope you find a way to balance the assorted demands on your time that keeps you happy. I know a couple Moms who opted for 1 or 2 days a week of daycare to allow themselves to have some time to be an adult and the general review I've heard is that the kids enjoy the socialization too. It's all about figuring out what works best for you and your family. And boy is that cutest picture ever of Lev!

K said...

I want to say one more thing. Much as I love your work, and am grateful for the things you teach, your toddler is THE most important work you will ever work out. I'd rather lose years of your patterns than have you give up one day of being mom to your beautiful child. Children are the hardest project, but also the most beautiful one. Believe me when I tell you this: mine are all grown. When they were toddlers, I thought the rest of my life was going to be nothing but struggling to raise (sometimes just keep alive) inquisitive, inventive, creative, demanding children - now they're grown, and my own life has come rushing back in like a strong tide. You have all the time in the world. At the same time, your time is limited. Spend it wisely. Invest it in a project that will turn to you some day, when it is taller than you are, and bless your name forever for the pattern you set for it.

cagio said...

I haven't been surfing in awhile but just stopped in today and I can't believe how sweet your baby is - how big! Good luck with balancing all the normal life stuff - I just wanted to express how very happy I was to see your little boy so happy and cute. Best -