It has been a while since I posted, but life has been busy, and I don't really intend for this to be a regular blog until I have more time to make it interesting

New things in the works: lots more fun and pretty knitting bags, with a special offer for a free toy pattern. This is for two reasons: one, I love sewing as much as knitting, and two, sewing bags is much faster than knitting toys. I just don't have time right now to make more toys for my shop

The bags I've made so far seem to be popular enough to try making more, and they are super useful. I have been thinking about bags that would be specifically for toy projects (or any small projects that need straight needles) since I know the current ones are a wee bit small for that. I've considered making them a bit wider and taller, or going with a different design altogether. Any suggestions as to size or features you would like to see would be much appreciated.
While you're leaving comments (hopefully somebody will leave a comment) any suggestions for new toy patterns would be welcome. Your favourite animal, clothing style, whatever you're looking for. I get new ideas all the time, but fresh insight is always welcome.
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