There's a certain way I sew together the cast-on edge of feet, arms, and the back of heads that gives them a nice rounded shape, rather than having a straight seam. I thought I would share that technique, and I've taken a bunch of photos to help illustrate. They're a little out of focus, because there isn't a lot of light and I had to hold the camera rather than use a tripod. Hopefully you can make out what I'm doing, and try it yourself.

A leg, ready to be sewn.

I use a long tail cast-on, which leaves nice loops along the edge. Other kinds of cast-on will look different, but should still work.

Thread the needle through the loops of the cast-on edge, starting from the side opposite to where your yarn end is attached to the leg.

The needle has been threaded through all the loops of the cast-on edge.

Pull the yarn through the loops, and pull tight until the bottom of the foot is gathered together. There! Now you have a nice, round bottom to the foot. You can continue sewing up the back seam of the leg with the yarn.
That's terrific! Thank you for sharing - I'll try it when I make the monkey (he's next on my list).
cool, thanks for sharing
Hey thanks for that! What a useful tip :)
thanks for sharing that tip :D
great to get to see what you do to make your toys so gorgeous.
Would be good to put that info in the pattern - I sewed mine up RS together and it was a bit tricky to turn out again...
I realize that this hint was originally posted two years ago, but I just started my first pattern of yours so I am finding it very helpful RIGHT NOW. Thank you so much for having such great information on your website and in your patterns.
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