Monday, March 10, 2008


If you want to join the contest and hate pink flowery things, I will consider making you a different prize, simply because I like pink flowery things and wouldn't mind keeping the bag :)

What do you think of my new banner? I've been wanting something different (and more colourful) for a while. I do wish blogger would let me make it the full width, though. Looking at my paintings makes me want to pick up my brushes again, and I just might have time soon. The sunshine in my studio is also encouraging.


Lucy said...

I don't mind pink flowery things - I probably prefer brightly coloured things though!! Your new banner is great!!

wendy said...

I like that the bunny head in your banner because it has the same shape as your knitted bunnies.

Anonymous said...

I like pink flowery things. And I love your banner. Again - you artistic talent amazes me!