To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post, telling my about a very special birthday present you received. It could be something you got as a kid or as an adult - anything that really sticks out as a gift that was super awesome, made you smile or cry (in happiness), or was just exactly what you needed at the time. Don't think too hard about it! I just thought I would ask, because I think good things are better when shared :) For example: my most special birthday present ever was being asked to marry my sweetie, which happened just after my birthday last year.
Also, please leave your name with your comment, and email address if you feel safe doing so. It would be difficult to give something to "anonymous." The contest will end next Sunday (May 25) at midnight. The winner will be randomly chosen, and announced here the next day. I'll also send the lucky person an email (if I can).
Good luck!
P.S. I am now on Twitter as fuzzymitten. Please add me to your list, if you feel like keeping up with what I'm doing. Also, the pdf file for the Fuzzy Knits cover is now available from my website. I thought this method would be much easier than emailing it to those who remembered to ask.
This is a great month to have a birthday! My baby is having her 3rd birthday tomorrow and I am having my birthday on the 31st. See? excellent month. :)
Enjoy your day!
mintdee@ gmail . com
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day! :D
And give aways are so much fun! :D
I think its fun to try to remember a special birthday present. You dont always think of the past presents do you? I know Im not.
Lets see... I guess it must be last year actually. I love chocolate, and there was a commercial on tv at that time, as it was almost xmas. Lindt, who make the yummiest chocolate, had a, in my eyes, the biggest chocolate ball ever!
I dont know if you have Lindt in the Us, but these balls they have are milk chocolate, with a melty chocolate inside. And the balls are not as big as a golf ball, but almost.
Anyway, this one, it was big as a grape fruit! :O And I wanted it really badly. Because I thought the whole ball was choccy.
And I got it from my two smaller brothers, who was then 17 and 20. So I got really happy!
But it turns out it was a big plastic ball full with those tiny balls. But I was happy anyway.
And I gave away some too! ;)
I think you will get my email when I publish this comment, as I have a blogger account too. :)
My favourite birthday of all time was in October 2003. I turned 22 on the 21st and on the 24th I passed my driving test. This may not sound like a very momentous occasion for most people but it was extra special for me as it was my 11th test! I don't know how many lessons I had (easily hundreds!) but after a very stressful birthday I was so releaved to finally have my licence after 5 years of trying!
Love your blog and your little toys, have a great day.
Happy birthday! I always like getting yarn for my birthday. The funny thing is that the majority of the yarn I get as presents end up being knit up into presents for other people.
Happy Birthday!!! And what a fun giveaway you have going here.
The best birthday present I ever received was on my 4th birthday. My mom and dad gave me a stuffed dog whose tail squeeked when you squeezed it. I still have this precious toy sitting on the bed in my guest bedroom. Now my grandkids when they come to visit always go check if "Old Dog" is in his spot and if he's okay. He lives on not only in my memory, but my grandchildren's, too.
Just good stuff.
Have a great birthday!! I hope you get something awesome. I've had my birthday this year already, my Mum got me a subscription to a knitting magazine. That was pretty cool!
My email is on my blog. Cheers
Have a good one! My favourite and best gift would have to be a crystal pinwheel bowl I received from my aunt for my 18th. Now, I'm not one to relish in pinwheel crystal, but I remember her presenting it to me with so much pride and telling me how I'm on my way to being a wonderful, caring adult. I still have that bowl and remember my aunt's lovely sentiments from that day.
Happy Birthday for yesterday. Today is my daughters 11th birthday.
My most memorable and perfect birthday was a few years back. We had a perfect lunch and i received a few little gifts which i thought was it and then i was totally surprised with a motorbike! My parents just loved that...lol.
My Grandmother gave me my one and only Raggedy Ann doll for my 19th birthday(just to give you an idea how old Annie is-i'll be turning 54this December)Of all the birthdays i have had so far, that is the first gift that comes to my mind. My Gram has been gone some 30 plus years, and whenever i look at that doll, i can still feel her love for me. I am currently repairing Annie's legs, as the fabric is starting to disintegrate!!! Happy Birthday to you!..mare
There have been so many birthdays, but the ones I remember most are those with the beautiful clothes my mother sewed for me. She sewed a beautiful silk dress for my 18th birthday. I couldn't stop smiling. I still have it, though I'll never be that slim again.
Happy birthday. May all your dreams come true.
my most special birthday present would have to be what my husband gave me this year.
asides from the diamond earrings that i love. he went to all the effort to buy me some sock wool. now it should be pointed out he often tells me i dont need anymore sock wool because i have enough for 64 adults pair of socks now.
BUT he bought me some, and even went to the effort of ringing up one of my friends from my knitting group and asking her a billion questions to make sure what he got me was something i really wanted. and it was.
so when i opened the present and got some very lovely italian sock wool and was told that it HAD to be knitted into socks for me..
i felt special that he went to the effort :)
HAPPY BIRTHAY !!!!! I wish you all the best! The nicest present I received last year from my husband. A lovely kitten I saw in a store and felt in love at the first sight... He is the cutest cat in the world.... you can see his picture as my avatar in Ravelry ;-)
Have a great day!
happy birthday! i hope you had a great day.
the best birthday present i received was from one of my cousins. It was a nursery doll that had a squeaker in the belly so that when you shook it it would cry. At the time the nursery dolls were my favorite and now i had a friend for my other doll. It was the last gift i got from cousin he died several months later. I still have the doll packed away somewhere and it spent many nights next me and my other doll. I use to be terrified of the dark but it never seemed so bad when i had these 2 dolls with me.
email: Knittersdelight@gmail.com
I'm following you!
PS One of my favorite birthday presents was from my husband long before he was. He gave me a life-size street lamp (it is made of green plastic). I love that thing - it's in my office.
I love me some give aways.
My email address would help huh?
Hippo Birdies two ewe! Hope you had a SUPER day!
All you little animals are adorable!
I think the birthday I remember the most was when I was 8 and got a bicycle.
I had a dolls house when I was about 23 for my birthday. It was hand made and just what I wanted and I knew nothing about it.
Happy Birthday for yesterday. Hope you had a good day. Penblwydd Hapus as they say in Wales!
What a generous give-away. We'll be queueing up. My recent birthday unfortunately coincided with ny lovely Aunt's funeral, but my dear Daughter-in-law had knit me a Fuzzy mitten rabbit to help me along, and it did. I kept her (she is dressed in pink) in my capacious handbag! You have my email.
The Best almost Birthday Present was 21 years ago when i gave birth to my first daughter a week before my birthday .
Hope you had a lovely birthday
Take care
Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day. My most special birthday was when my husband surprised me with a sewing table to cut all my fabrics on. He actually was listening when I mentioned that I needed one. I use to sew drapes for people so I needed a large table to get the job done. I love the table and was really surprised.
Would love to win one of your toys
When I turned 16 (I'm 49 now) I was marching in a drum and bugle corps from my hometown of Watkins Glen, NY. There were 108 kids between the ages of 12 -21. We had all grown up together and attended school together. They were my family. (We still keep in touch after all these years). We were in Syracuse, NY to perform at the NY state championships. I didn't expect any big birthday deal as we were on tour and I supposed we would celebrate when we returned home. Imagine my surprise when my parents unexpectedly arrived with birthday cake in hand. We had the biggest birthday celebration that included everyone in my group. Not to mention we won the competitionand were crowned NY state champions for the third year in a row. I will never forget how it felt to be surrounded with all that love and caring. That was the best present ever.
How fun and happy birthday!
My favorite present was when I turned 10, and my parents got me a sugar glider. It was a complete surprise, they got her from my aunt who used to raise them. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, she was so young she had to be fed from a dropper but she bonded to me so strongly. She was my "baby" for five years until she got sick and passed away... I'll never forget her.
You can find me on etsy as weirdbuglady :)
Happy Birthday!!! :) And Happy (un)Birthday to me! My fave birthday present would have been from God. This happened when I was very young and it would never snow on my birthday, which is in early Dec. So on the day of my birthday, I went downstairs and prayed for it to snow before I looked out the window. And when I peeped through the curtains, I saw flurries!!! :) Amazing present. I loved it! Thanks so much for the chance :)
bunnybox9 at gmail dot com
Happy belated birthday! My greatest birthday gift was given to me last year and that was my daughter Kailyn! She wasn't due until July 3rd, but she arrived 5 weeks early on May 31st. My birthday is actually June 11th, but it's within 2 weeks. It was wonderful celebrating my birthday with her, especially cause it was unexpected! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
i don't remember very many presents from my childhood, but the one present I received that I will NEVER forget is my dog Rambo :) He was one of my best friends growing up and he will always be in my heart. Just thinking of him makes me tear up.
Have a great day!
Eva ekrzemin(at)yahoo(dot)com
I think one of my favorite birthday presents was for my 8th birthday. My mom bought me a cabbage patch doll (that burped). But the special part was that she bought it early, took it out of the box and measured it. Then she made clothes for the doll - including hand knit clothing. I still have the doll and the clothes (I'm 25 now...). And what a cool idea for a giveaway.
catiephillips AT gmail DOT com
Happy B-Day! :)
My favorite birthday was two years ago. I'm born on New Year's Day, and I've always said that no one could throw a surprise party for me because my birthday is on such an obvious holiday. Well, two years ago my husband made a big production of the day - and when we finally got home to relax - everyone and their cousin was at my house. Some of those people I haven't seen in years. I think that memory of seeing everyone I have ever loved in one room was the best birthday gift I've ever had.
Happy belated Birthday Barbara, i hope you had a nice day and your sweetie treated you like a princess. The best times are spent having quality time with the ones you love most.
I'd have to say my best birthday was my 5th birthday when i got my own little ginger kitty. his name was Thomas O'Maley (like he aristocats!). He was the best pet ever, so frindly and still looked like a kitten at 18 years old. Sadly he passed away last year after living 18 long wonderful years, but he will always be my most favourite birthday gift.
♥ Raynor
Happy birthday to you! Thanks for the offer of one of your great toys.
My favorite birthday memory was when my mom and dad bought me a gray and white stuffed cat for my birthday. I accidentally found it before my birthday...I swear I wasn't snooping. Well, mom said that she would have to return it since I already knew what it was. I was so upset. Well, on my birthday, I opened my gift and mom had decided to keep the gift so I got my stuffed kitty. I still have it actually.
Wow, you are going to get some long comments.....My best birthday gift was my last birthday, my 50th. Both of my children live about 3 hours away one working and one in college. Neither were able to come home that week. Totally understandable. Several weeks later, on a Friday, I came home from work to find my son's car was out front, he was sitting in my Living Room! Nice surprise. After a few hours of visiting he told me his sister was going to be angry with him for not telling her that he was coming home. Her boyfriend was out of town for the week end and she would be alone. Then the phone rang and it was her. Neither of us wanted to answer because we didn't want to tell her. Of course I was the one who ended up doing it. When I told her he was here she was upset and told me go "hit" him for her. I went into the kitchen where he was and slapped my hands together to make a noise. As I did I caught a glimpse of her and her boyfriend walking up to the door! Greatest surprise ever! My husband took us all out to dinner and we had a wonderful week end together.
Hoping I get drawn!!
Happy belated birthday! Your cake sounds delicious :)
I think my best birthday was a few years ago. I was all stressed out and upset about school, and my boyfriend made me go visit. We went to my favourite restaurant, and he gave me silly presents like cow print flip flops. It definitely took my mind off school and made everything a bit more cheerful.
Hi and happy birthday!
I think my best present was my sewing machine, I got when I was 14.
Happy birthday!! mine is yet to come for this year but not to long to wait its in June. i love getting crafty stuff and books.
Sarah x
ps please enter me in your giveaway.
Happy belated Birthday!!!
The best birthday present I received was on my 6th birthday. My brother was 16 at the time and had started his first part time job. He saved his first few paychecks and bought me the most incredible doll ever! She came complete with a bed, high chair, clothes, etc. I loved that doll so much!
His generous nature always made people smile. 12 years ago my brother died unexpectedly but his memory will always live on!
My best present was my daughter... she was born just a few days after my 24th birthday...
I don't think any present from a human can top that... but I've gotten some great ones over the years, including a camera and a cat that saved my life about a year later!
Happy Birthday! What would be my best present...I guess I got a train ticket/hotel room to Portland for the weekend once. That was pretty awesome. I'll post this on Plush You.
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu!
As a child, my dad used to make our birthday cakes. My favorite was the pink elephant. He would bake two round cake layers and then cut them up, arrnage them and frost them. The whole cake would then be covered in pink tinted coconut. Yum!
A few year's ago, I asked my Dad if he would make me a pink elephant cake for my birthday (It was 41 or 42 or something....) and I have to tell you that it was just as yummy as I remembered. The cutest thing is that my mom told me how my dad was so excited and immediately went to the store to buy all the ingredients. I have a picture of it somewhere.
Happy Birthday!! My favorite birthday was the year my husband couldn't think of anything. We spent the day driving to my favorite yarn store and then went out to lunch. It was a great day! missmoxieatmacdotcom
Happy Birthday!
My absolute best birthday present was when my parents bought me a trampoline in eighth grade. I had wanted one FOR-EVER, and I pretty much lived on it for a month. Literally. I slept there.
wow! My birthday is the 19th too!! I have a twin sister and it's really fun to share a birthday. This year was a pretty good one, I bought her 10 barred rock chicks for a present- pretty exciting!
hoppy, hoppy birthday! and an equally happy unbirthday to everyone else!
i can't think of any extra special birthday gifts i've received, but i do have a christmas present story! a couple of years ago, not long after we started dating, my boyfriend gave me earrings. he got them while traveling for work in san francisco, and he obviously put a lot of thought and effort into the whole thing. but (and of course there's a but)...my ears aren't pierced! never have been. once he got over being embarrassed, he saw the humor value in it, and it's been a joke between us ever since.
(also, i ended up attaching the earrings to a necklace, so they were worn anyway!)
quackersandmilk at yahoo dot com
Not my favorite, but my worst was on my 8th birthday when my aunt gave me tickets to the musical Annie.
My sister and I are two years apart and our birthdays are close together so we generally get the same thing. Therefore, I don't really have a special birthday gift. However, for Christmas for the past three years my boyfriend has bought me tickets to several amazing musicals that I have fallen head over heels for. It has turned into a great tradition.
<3 Jennifer
Happy Birthday!
The best birthdays ever was when I was a kid, everything seemed more exciting back then! Cakes, toys, friends and families, Happy days! :)
My favorite birthday present was a camera that my Hubby surprised me with......:) Happy Birthday. xoxo
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway.
My most favorite present would have to be a frog for my 16th birthday. He was given to me by a cute boy. I named him Ceaser after the place that provided the pizza for the party.
Happy Birthday! One of the most special presents I received was for my 21st birthday - some friends took me to see one of my favorite musicians in a tiny bar. This is silly, but I was always over-concerned about breaking rules, and the show was about a week before my birthday, so I normally wouldn't be allowed in to the bar. But my friends called ahead to get me in to the show. It was very sweet.
Sarah N.
Happy Birthday to you. My husband's birthday is May 29th. He will be the big old 29 year old. He always says I am an old lady because I am 3 years older than him. He's my sweetheart anyway.
My most special gift:
My best friend john knew I loved Mickey Mouse when I was 15 and so he went bought a puzzle and put it together then had it professionally framed,you know where there is brown paper on the back and you can't take the picture out. He left me a really sweet note on the back. I had no idea. But, what made it so special was I knew he had to have spent his whole paycheck on me and I had no idea at the time how much that stuff was. Looking back now the time and effort he must have put into is more than I have words, I am 26 now and still he is my best friend and still its my most charished gift.
Happy Birthday!!! What a great idea....I had a ton of fun reading eveyones fun birthday times! My favorite birthday was when I was a little girl and I got a bike. I use to ride that bike everywhere, and pretend I was off on some huge adventure...saving the world (or at least saving my stuffed bear from my brothers!)
so i totally forgot to leave my email! emevans38@gmail.com thanks!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Last year my boyfriend (now fiancè) took me to Hobby Lobby & bought me a bunch of scrapbooking goodies. THAT was fun!!! Jessica info at funkyfinds dot us
Last year my husband took me to NYC -- my first real visit there. We saw a C.S. Lewis play (The Screwtape Letters - we're both big fans), had fabulous sushi, ate street-nuts, gagged down a smoky pretzel, and I got a hot dog before we left for good from Penn Station. (At a GAP store, I found a scarf I liked, but decided I could knit it myself. When we got home, I wrote a pattern for it!)
It was a sweet adventure, and now we both want to live there.
Happy Birthday!
My favorite gift was the year I wanted to do something all of my friends thought was lame, but they did show up and didn't complain (until later).
Happy Birthday !!!!!
Hope you had a wonderful day xxx
happy birthday - my favorite birthday present was from my brother when i was overseas in Europe serving in army. He sent me a stuffed tigger doll. It was exactly what I needed since I wasnt able to be home for my birthday.
minijaxter at gmail dot com
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