After a few late nights, and some agony with a bug in the software, my wonderful hubbie finally finished the draft version of the new book. Having worked on it so hard, for so long, it's strange to think it might be nearly ready. We've ordered the test copy, which should be here in a week. My fingers are crossed that it all looks good, because that will mean we can put it up in the shop!
I thought I should mention one thing about the Festive Knits book: it's a different size (6x9") from the old one (8.5x11"). We decided that a smaller book would be easier for you to carry around, or have sitting in your lap or on the arm of your sofa. It has the coil binding, though, which makes it easy to keep open at the right page. However, this smaller size means that it would be a real pain for you to print, so for now the book will not be available as a download (also, the quality of the pictures makes the file too big to download easily). Mr. Mitten will be working on a different format which will be download-able, but it probably won't be available until after Christmas (he has a few other projects to work on before he can get to it).
This has made us curious if we should change the size and format of the Fuzzy Knits book, so I've put up a poll with a few possibilities. Whatever the popular opinion ends up being, I doubt we'll be able to work on it anytime soon. We just want to find out what you think, so we can make plans.
Also, I've gotten really behind on my email the last few weeks (both my business and Ravelry messages). Between babysitting, working on the book, knitting, and everything that needs to get done at home, I just haven't had time to sit down and reply to everyone. However, I have a half day off tomorrow, so hopefully I can take a couple of hours to get back to you. I'm sorry if you've been waiting a while to hear back from me.
The new book looks wonderful, can't wait til it's available. I've really enjoyed knitting your bunnies, and I think if I start in January, everyone can have a knitted toy by next December :-)
Are you going to be selling this book on Amazon?? I am in Australia and we usually buy your patterns as downloads from Lulu - I would love to get this before Christmas!! Good luck with it all!!
Cheers Lucy
I too will have to hold out for the download version - the wait may kill me!
Congrats on it all :)
I don't know if you've included any shoe options for your patterns. I'd love to see some knitted right on the foot patterns.The shoe wouldn't get lost. Please, please come out with some shoe and slipper patterns.
Will this book include the snowflake pattern featured in the front cover? Lookin' forward to trying your new book.
There is a chart for the snowflake pattern, with instructions to make it in either purl stitches or a contrasting colour.
Will you be selling any of these patterns individually, such as the larger bunny and baby? She is absolutely, positively adorable. I love your patterns.
Most of the patterns from the new book will be released separately, but not at the same time as the book. They will be released during the first few months of my maternity leave, so everyone has something to look forward to while I am unable to work.
You can check out this post for more details: http://blog.fuzzymitten.com/2008/10/big-surprise.html
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