I've been thinking about leaving Etsy for a while now. It was a great place for me to get started and noticed, but I'm feeling crowded out. There's just so many plush makers on there, that as soon as I list something, it seems to be 3 or 4 pages deep. Besides, I think that by now lots of people have heard of me, and I'd rather have people going through my main web page than through Etsy. It also costs me a lot to keep all the patterns listed there, and I think it's simpler and faster for everyone to use Lulu anyway.
I think what I'll do is check out my options, and when I have the next batch of kits ready I'll list them in the new shop, and see how it works out. I'll do my best to choose somewhere that is just as convenient for you, and I can slowly let my Etsy shop empty, and then eventually close it altogether. I think this will also help with my up-coming maternity leave, since I would have had to close the Etsy shop temporarily anyway.
Sorry for all the business talk in this post. I won't make it any worse by talking about politics (I have nothing good to say anyway). How about a cute photo of a toy I just finished?
how cute! is Lulu as straight forward as Etsy??
love the new cat very cute. Buttons make great cat eyes. As much as i would miss your etsy shop i do like to use your lulu account...i love how the patterns are right there for you after you purchase it because most times i can't wait to get my hands on your new patterns. It also sounds like it would be beneficial to you to switch over as well. Good luck
The cat turned out really cute! I think Lulu is a great shop and it`s a wonderfull feeling to sit in Austria at the computer, make the deal with Lulu and a few seconds later the patterns are right here with me all the way from Canada. It`s always kind of magic.
I used lulu when I bought my patterns from you - it worked great :)
I love the new cat - very cute! You do such great work!
I LOVE your little kitty...I am practicing hard with my knitting to be able to make some of your dolls...I can't wait till that day comes! :)
Is this pattern available?? I LOVE it. Would like to make for Christmas for my daughters.
The kitty is made from my Siamese Kitty pattern, which you can find here: www.fuzzymitten.com/patterns
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