Friday, December 3, 2010

holiday dress charts

I have two new designs for you today, as I was too busy last week to post about one of them. These are both stranded colour-work patterns and are shown worked into the Summer Dress from the Tiger pattern. You simply need to start the chart on row 6 of the skirt, then work the rest of the skirt in your main colour.

Although, if you don't mind doing colour-work back and forth (rather than in the round) you could probably manage to fit them into one of the other dresses knit from fingering weight yarn. The holly border would be especially easy to incorporate in other patterns, since it's only 5 stitches wide and 10 rows tall (I've drawn it 10 stitches wide, or 2 repeats, to make it easier to see).

 Green and Red Border

This could easily be used for a non-holiday dress by substituting other colours, but I think it will look best if you use highly contrasting colours.

Holly or Mistletoe Border

I turned the holly pattern into mistletoe by simply altering the colours (I also added stripes, to make it look a little more defined). I'd meant this dress for a tiger toy, and red berries would have clashed with orange stripes. I think the mistletoe version is lovely and subtle, though.

This time the charts are simply JPG images, so you should be able to right-click on each, and save it to your computer. Then just print them as you would any other image file.


Luciana said...

Very cute charts! Thank you so much! I´m going for my needles!

Anonymous said...

Wow - such cute little dresses! I guess I really have to knit some toys so I can dress them up with these beauties :)

K said...


Chiwaluv said...

Absolutely Wonderful , posting these little charts and sharing with us! They are exactly what I have been searching for across the web! Most charts are to large for small knitted toys, so it is a joy to have these....hope there will be more to come? Thanks!!

K said...

I am kind of counting on actually putting my pup together (the one I was ragging you about last month, and who is lying in pieces on my desk. Sad, sad) over the next few weeks. I'm scared to do it. And I'm certain that he would not appreciate it if I made him a dress. BUT I wanna do these, too. Maybe I can make him a sister??

Tink's Stuff said...

so cute