Wednesday, March 30, 2011

meet Kyr

Meet Kyr Konstantin Ryabitsev (pronounced Keer), the newest member of the Fuzzy Mitten family. He was born on March 6, after only 34 weeks, so we spent a while in the hospital. But he is fine now, and we're settling in at home. I'll write more when I've not got a sleeping baby in my other arm.


JackieLemon said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful. Hope you are both doing well.

slkunze said...

What a handsome young man, and born on my birthday as well. Congratulations, Barbara!

Katie said...

He makes my hormones hurt. SO CUTE. Congrats, you done good!

Sheltie Times said...

Welcome Kyr.

Minttusuklaa H said...

Congratulations! God bless you all!!

French Nanny said...


Lyn said...

welcome Kyr, and congrats to you all!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Kyr! Congratulations on the new bundle of joy!

Unknown said...

Aww Congratulations!!!! He is very very Handsome!!

Yarn Miracle said...

Hi, again little buddy! You're luckier than a lot of babies - your Mom can knit!i

julie said...

He's beautiful Barbara - many, many congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, so pleased welcome Kyr.

Reine said...

So precious! Congratulations!

scjody said...

Congratulations to all of you! Welcome, Kyr!

Olga said...

Congratulations! Very cute.

K said...

Did I never add congratulations? Well, I thought them, at least five times. What a miracle. What a blessing. Such sweetness as we seldom get in this life.

I can smell him now, that new baby smell. YAY! JOY!!

Jane said...

Obviously, I'm WAY behind reading blogs. Congratulations on baby Kyr. He's a darling boy!