Here are my entries for Plush You 2008. My stuff is at Fancy this year, rather than Schmancy, and it was awesome to be accepted a second year in a row. The toys I made this year are a little different from what I sent last year, and I'm so glad I got a second bat done in time for the show. I wanted to send more of a range of toys this time, rather than just three similar toys like last year. I know my stuff is a lot more traditional-style, compared to most of the other designers that will be participating. Hopefully there will be some people there who like my style.

I wish I could be there when it opens tomorrow, but Seattle is an awfully long way from Montreal, and a holiday with my sweetie was hard to pass up for a trip to Seattle by myself. Maybe I'll get into a plush show next year that's close enough to get to, although I'll have a little tag-along then, which makes travelling more complicated. Maybe I could get myself motivated enough to organize one here, but I'm not much of an organizer, and I don't know how many people I could actually find to participate.

Have you ever thought about coming to a Montreal Knitting Guild meeting and bringing some of the toys/patterns? We meet the second Tues of each month and are often looking for events or interesting show/tells for the meetings. Our website is http://www.themontrealknittingguild.com if you're interested.
I didn't know there was a knitting guild in Montreal. I will definitely have to check out your site. I live on the west island, so might have trouble getting to meetings regularly. But I could certainly find time to come out at least once and show my designs around. Thanks!
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