My mom is coming for a visit today, and I'm really looking forward to it! She's here for 2 weeks, and is spending the first week with us, and next week with my sister. It will be a little crowded in our apartment, but I don't mind. She raised 5 kids, and I think she will have a lot of good advice and help to give us.
Things have been a little difficult for the last week, and I welcome anything that might help. I'm not sure if it's really colic, or him just reacting badly to something I'm eating (premature babies don't have very good digestive systems, it seems). It's so hard to watch him being upset and uncomfortable every evening, besides being exhausting for both of us. Anyway, it means no dairy or soy for me for a while, and I will miss the dairy so much! Soy I can live without, although I'm not sure what to put on my morning cereal. But I have daydreams about cold glasses of milk, creamy chunky of brie, and yummy yogurt with fruit... oh well.
In Fuzzy Mitten news, I will be releasing the Baby Penguin pattern on February 1. I think I will also be reopening my Etsy shop then, since we should be able to find enough time in each day to deal with the small number of sales I have there. Also, I will probably release the Mama and Baby Bunny pattern on March 1 (I plan to combine them into one pattern). I have no idea when I'll have time to make more kits, or take orders for custom toys, though. I'm enjoying having lots of time to spend with Lev, and I don't want to commit myself to a bunch of work too soon.
My daughter used to get really whingy and cried alot in the evenings unless she was constantly feeding. I don't know if it is different with premature babies, but luckily she got better after about 6 weeks. They say the first six weeks are the hardest - especially if you are feeding your baby yourself. i would say to persevere as it is so rewarding, I am glad I did and did so until she was 15 months old.
I am just breastfeeding him, and I'm so glad I am, as I'm sure it's helping him in so many ways. He's gaining weight really fast too, which is good for me (best diet ever, I'm sure!)
If you have to keep off dairy and soy, you might like Oatly. It's an oat-based substitute for milk, and I found it and loved it when I went dairy-free. There's a web-site http://www.oatly.com/ where you can find out more. I am back on dairy products, but I prefer Oatly on my breakfast cereal still. Your baby will get over this stage and progress to the next one soon - it's good that he's gaining weight now.
I found that when my son, Jason, was a newborn that he fussed when he had gas, you might try mylacon (sp?) or baby gas x. Jason was not a preemie, so check with your doctor. Good luck, this time is wonderful and miserable all at the same time.
Breastfeeding is the nicest and snuggliest way to bond with your baby and it does get easier for both of you with practise. It sounds like you are doing a great job. It is also a great excuse for more cuddles! Lev is a beautiful little baby. Keep up the good work :O)x
Our grandson was like that and they found out his stomach aches after each feeding... Our daughter was able to solve the problem by elevating the baby's head and keep it a bit higher than the stomach. You might want to try that but it could be something else. Anything is worth a try. Congratulations on your little one...
How exciting that your mom is coming to spend time with you and your family. There's nothing like mom, huh? On a knitting note, don't worry about patterns and Etsy and kits right now. Being a mom and "growing that baby" is your priority right now. How exciting that it can be "all about you" right now. Your customers are loyal and will be happy to wait patiently for your return. Enjoy Lev and the special time you're experiencing right now. If I could turn back my clock 25 years, I would be in baby heaven. Instead, I'll just come here and soak up your life news. God Bless!
Gosh, how many times did I just say "right now?" HA!
Rice milk is another subsititute you could try for your cereal if it's available where you are. I found even with non-colicky babies the witching hour was always in the early evening - just when you would want to fix dinner for yourself- I liked a sling for the baby to keep them cuddled up and with a little motion that always seemed to sooth - everyone of these small people is unique - just persevere you'll find out what the trick is for Lev soon enough! Mr. Mitten can try too - sometimes just a little different way of holding them, etc can make a big difference! Good luck - and take your well deserved break from kits, knitting etc and just enjoy this special time.
In the category of milk substitutes, I would suggest Almond Milk, you can find it at a lot of grocery stores these days and it's delicious! The chocolate is the best - my husband has a dairy allergy and that's all he drinks!
As for the baby discomfort, is he taking any medications? My daughter got terribly sick from the nystatin (spelling) that she took for thrush. Our doctor didn't think it could be that because she'd never seen or heard of a baby who had a bad reaction, but as soon as we took her off of it the crying stopped. Just another idea of something to check I guess. I'm glad to hear he's gaining weight and doing well otherwise though :) And like the others said, props on the breastfeeding! It's work in the beginning, but I'm really glad I stuck with it (we're at 11 months now and still going strong).
Glad that Lev is gaining weight, I know how difficult it can be with a baby that just wants to cry early evening. The sling is a great idea, but the one thing I would say is that if you are getting stressed over this - and of course you will be, then Lev will pick that up and he will get even more stressed too. I must have worn a trench in the carpet walking up and down trying to comfort Dan - now 14 and not half as much trouble LOL. Do you have Gripe Water in Canada, if it's colic thats the best thing. Good luck
It sounds like your situation was similar to mine. I ate a lot of goat cheese (soft, a goat cheddar, and a hard cheese similar to parmesan) and then turned to Rice Milk for cereal as it was easy to get and keep on hand. I eventually brought soy back in.
It just didn't seem to help much with the colic and I had this feeling that he had reflux (although he didn't really spit up that much). He seemed to be most uncomfortable when we would hold or lay him flat, bend his stomach, etc. I could almost hear a little gurgly thing sometimes.
He would gain weight and didn't spit up a large quantity so the nurses told me it wasn't reflux. Long story short - when I took him in finally to the dr. she immediately diagnosed reflux and we were able to help him and the colic got much less severe.
Follow your instinct - you will recognize little things in his behavior that can help you guys and his pediatrician figure out how to help him. I gave in too much at first.
I also discovered that I produced too much foremilk and that was causing upset tummy as well. We adjusted the way I nursed him (times, etc.) and that helped a ton too.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write. I'm sorry I wrote so much in your comment area. I just remember what a hard time it was for us and how low I felt even with this wonderful little baby and I just wanted to offer some help.
He'll be driving you crazy in other fun ways soon! Congrats - he's a cutie!
Sounds like you're going to have some help just in time! Sweet bunny pic.
My oldest was very challenging. At 3 months, like magic he quit and became charming. Hang in there! Mom is on the way:)
I had a 32 weeker and a 35 weeker. (They're both as big as me now! 11 yo and 13 yo). I found with both that once I started to do more activities, I had less milk at night, so they would nurse and nurse, but not get much, and so be very fussy. I had to slow down and rest more, and drink lots of water, and all those other things you do more automatically when they're brand new.
Another thought--this may or may not apply, but if it does it can be a huge difference. I didn't notice from your blog how the birth was. Often babies born quicker than 6 hours labor, or longer than 24 hours labor, or C section babies, or plain old difficult deliveries, all can be born with structural imbalances--the baby's version of a tension headache. I found craniosacral treatments to be very helpful for this, for my guys and also those of friends who were colicky. It's a very gentle form of hand-on work--you would look for a chiropractor or osteopath to help.
I must say you make beautiful babies AND beautiful toys--Enjoy him!
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