Okay, I really didn't expect the kits to sell that quickly, or I would have made more! There's just one puppy kit left, after a day! So, I'm ordering more yarn today, and if everything goes well, I should be able to get more kits ready in about a week. I'm kicking myself now, that I didn't order more yarn and make a bunch more in the first place. I went through most of my yarn stash to make those already sold, and I'm not sure if I could scrounge up enough nice stuff to put together a few kits in the meantime. I've put a poll up, just to see how many of what kind of kit people might like. While I like input, please don't vote if you really aren't going to buy one. I need to know how many people are interested, so I get enough made this time! I've set up the poll so you can vote for more than one, if you want.
Hugs, everyone!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
scraps chaps kits etc
Okay, everything is listed, although a bunch of the kits have sold already! Thanks! I listed the kits without the pattern after all, since so many people had already bought it. I figured that would save us all a bunch of trouble. I forgot to mention that if the kits sell really well, and there's still interest, I'll make more. It will just take a bit of time, since I'll have to order more yarn. Look for an update on that next week. I also listed a few of the patches, in case you'd like one, but aren't buying a kit.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Hugs!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Hugs!
hurrah for Pat!

- annemarie (I've sent you an email)
- NLautner ("Thanks for the giveaway...")
- Sarah (of the Bubbly Bunny)
- Pam ("Oh, I'd love to have some scraps for one of your cuties!")
- Betty ("Would love to be part of the draw for the Scrappy pattern.")
I hope the rest of you aren't disappointed. I like having giveaways, so there's sure to be another in a few months. If you want something sooner, why not sign up for the swap on Ravelry (under discussion topics, it's 'swap number 2')? I'll be participating, too! Of course, it's the weekend tomorrow, so that's something to cheer you up :)
I forgot to mention that we had patches made! These make my Girl Guide self rather pleased, and bring back such fun memories of camp... Anyway, these will be included in the kits, and will be for sale in my Etsy shop. I'm going to start listing things now, and depending on Lev, I should get everything in there by noon (EST).

Thursday, March 26, 2009
nearly there
Ugh! I just spent the last hour and a half processing photos for the shop update tomorrow. That was after spending about the same amount of time taking photos! It's definitely more work doing the kits this way, but hopefully it helps you to get exactly what you want. Anyway, I'll leave you with this peek at one of the bunny kits. I kinda wish I was knitting this one for myself :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
happy day
This made my day, and really, makes all the work I put into Fuzzy Mitten worthwhile.
Thank you, Dani! When I started designing patterns, I never dreamt this is where I would end up, and things just keep getting better! It makes me so happy to know that people love my patterns, and get so much enjoyment from them. What better thanks could I get for my effort, than to know I helped a little toward someone learning new skills and finding a creative outlet they never knew they had?
"hi, my name is Dani, I run a coffee shop inside a hotel in Morgantown, WV where I used to occasionally sell a hat or pair of socks I'd knitted, but I wasn't terribly skilled and what I really wanted was to knit toys that looked nice but were not too complicated...I ran across your books while searching for patterns and they are just perfect...my bosses love them ( and buy them sometimes), they have given me a table to display them though lately they are requested or sold before I can get enough made to put on the table...my knitting has improved a lot...I just wanted to say thank you..I really love your patterns (I have festive knits and the larger pattern book) I have never really had a place to display or an interest in my knitting outside of my family..so this has been a really amazing experience. Thanks again..dani"
Thank you, Dani! When I started designing patterns, I never dreamt this is where I would end up, and things just keep getting better! It makes me so happy to know that people love my patterns, and get so much enjoyment from them. What better thanks could I get for my effort, than to know I helped a little toward someone learning new skills and finding a creative outlet they never knew they had?
Monday, March 23, 2009
scraps chaps kit giveaway
Holey moley! I must say, the last three days have been rather spectacular in my shops! I wanted to say thank you, and send out a huge hug to all of my wonderful customers. With a new baby, and having just bought a house, a little extra money is much appreciated in our house. I never thought that I could design and sell knitting patterns for a living, but my loyal customers have made my wishes real. I hope you all have tons of fun knitting scrappy chaps of your own, or for your loved ones. And if you need a little extra money too, remember our policy on selling toys made from my patterns.

Also, I've put together an extra kit to give away, as a thank you for supporting my little business! I don't have a photo of it, but it contains yarn and the extra bits to make a chocolate-coloured Scrappy bunny or puppy. I might throw in a few other fun things too. To enter, just leave a comment on this post, and I'll draw the winner on Friday morning (March 27). Include your name, and email address if you like (if you don't leave an email address, please remember to check Friday's post and email me if you get picked).
Edit: the giveaway is for anyone to join, Canadian (I'm in Canada, btw), American, and international too.
As for the kits and things, I have the tote bags all cut out now, so I should be able to find time to sew them this week. Maybe we can tentatively set Friday as the date for listing everything? We'll see. I'll let you know all the details when I have them ready. But I did want to say now that if you've already bought the Scraps Chaps pattern, but decide you want a kit too, I will refund the price of the pattern from what you pay for the kit.
Finally, I forgot to mention in my pervious posts about the Scraps Chaps pattern that the finished toys are bigger than my usual toys - about 27 cm (10.5") instead of 20 cm (8"). This means the clothing patterns probably won't fit them, unless you feel like trying to make the arms and body of pull-overs etc. long enough to fit. Because I designed the Scraps Chaps to be fun and interesting just as they are, I decided to not cover them up with clothes like my other toys.

Also, I've put together an extra kit to give away, as a thank you for supporting my little business! I don't have a photo of it, but it contains yarn and the extra bits to make a chocolate-coloured Scrappy bunny or puppy. I might throw in a few other fun things too. To enter, just leave a comment on this post, and I'll draw the winner on Friday morning (March 27). Include your name, and email address if you like (if you don't leave an email address, please remember to check Friday's post and email me if you get picked).
Edit: the giveaway is for anyone to join, Canadian (I'm in Canada, btw), American, and international too.
As for the kits and things, I have the tote bags all cut out now, so I should be able to find time to sew them this week. Maybe we can tentatively set Friday as the date for listing everything? We'll see. I'll let you know all the details when I have them ready. But I did want to say now that if you've already bought the Scraps Chaps pattern, but decide you want a kit too, I will refund the price of the pattern from what you pay for the kit.
Finally, I forgot to mention in my pervious posts about the Scraps Chaps pattern that the finished toys are bigger than my usual toys - about 27 cm (10.5") instead of 20 cm (8"). This means the clothing patterns probably won't fit them, unless you feel like trying to make the arms and body of pull-overs etc. long enough to fit. Because I designed the Scraps Chaps to be fun and interesting just as they are, I decided to not cover them up with clothes like my other toys.
Friday, March 20, 2009
fiber arts friday

Oh yeah, have you heard about Fiber Arts Friday? Go check it out over at Alpaca Farm Girl. There's plenty of super cool people to read about, and I'll be participating any Friday I have anything interesting to say :)
P.S. typing one-handed with a baby on your lap is difficult :)
Happy Spring!

It's actually starting to look like Spring around here, or the last dregs of winter, anyway. To celebrate the new season, we have a brand spanking new pattern for you!
If you've been reading the blog over the last few weeks, you will have read about it already. Mr. Mitten came up with the name of Scraps Chaps, which is both silly and rhyming, so how could I resist? You can find the pattern on Lulu and Etsy. I tried adding it to my Ravelry store, but I'm having some problems, so it will have to wait until later today when my hubby can figure out what's wrong.
I find this pattern super fun myself, starting with digging through my stash to find odd balls of yarn, then matching them together, and next deciding which colours to use for which body part. Then you knit everything up, but you're still not sure how the finished toy will look, knit from all those odd bits! When I finally get it all done, with face, ears, and floppy arms and legs - so cute! I can't wait to see what all of you make from the pattern!
I planned to write more about the kits, but a wee baby is demanding my attention :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
yay dairy!
Oh man, have I been lax about blogging lately! But really, you can blame it on Lev. He's been changing up his sleep schedule over the last week, and not only is he awake more hours in the day, but he's decided that some of those should be in the middle of the night. Mr. Mitten and I have been taking shifts, so we both get enough sleep, but it leaves a lot less time for Fuzzy Mitten work. I really hope we can get his schedule sorted out better before Mr. Mitten goes back to work in June, or I am going to be one tired and grumpy mama!
On the plus side, Lev is finally okay with dairy! In fact, he seems to do much better with the dairy formula than with the hypo-allergenic stuff (daddy gives him one bottle during the night so I can sleep longer). I have been taking full advantage of this, and thoroughly enjoying milk on my cereal, and cheese on pizza! Maybe I should even treat myself to some super-yummy 8% milk-fat yogurt, which is more like eating ice cream than something that's good for you. Of course, I still can't touch caffeine, or Lev spends all day spitting up everything he eats. This includes chocolate. I'll just down my sorrows over chocolate with a tub or yougurt, thanks.
Enough baby talk, I'm sure...
All this aside, I have found time to work on the new pattern and the kits. We just need to take a few photos, and Mr. Mitten needs to take a few hours to format the pattern, but it should be all ready soon! I'm hoping we can get it done for Friday. The kits should be ready for you next week sometime. I have the zip pouches made, and most of the kits put together. I just need to find time to sew a few tote bags. Oh, I also meant to ask whether you like the idea of getting a printed pattern with your kit, or if a pdf is okay? If I send you the pdf, you can get started on one animal while I send your kit for another. On the other hand, a printed pattern is nice to work from. (Although, no printed patterns means I can keep the kits a little cheaper). I think I'll stick up a poll for a couple days, to find out what you think.
On the plus side, Lev is finally okay with dairy! In fact, he seems to do much better with the dairy formula than with the hypo-allergenic stuff (daddy gives him one bottle during the night so I can sleep longer). I have been taking full advantage of this, and thoroughly enjoying milk on my cereal, and cheese on pizza! Maybe I should even treat myself to some super-yummy 8% milk-fat yogurt, which is more like eating ice cream than something that's good for you. Of course, I still can't touch caffeine, or Lev spends all day spitting up everything he eats. This includes chocolate. I'll just down my sorrows over chocolate with a tub or yougurt, thanks.
Enough baby talk, I'm sure...
All this aside, I have found time to work on the new pattern and the kits. We just need to take a few photos, and Mr. Mitten needs to take a few hours to format the pattern, but it should be all ready soon! I'm hoping we can get it done for Friday. The kits should be ready for you next week sometime. I have the zip pouches made, and most of the kits put together. I just need to find time to sew a few tote bags. Oh, I also meant to ask whether you like the idea of getting a printed pattern with your kit, or if a pdf is okay? If I send you the pdf, you can get started on one animal while I send your kit for another. On the other hand, a printed pattern is nice to work from. (Although, no printed patterns means I can keep the kits a little cheaper). I think I'll stick up a poll for a couple days, to find out what you think.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Social linkage
Just as a reminder -- if you are on Ravelry (and if not, how come you're not? :)), then remember to join the Fuzzy Mitten Toys group. There's frequently interesting stuff in the discussion forum -- tips, questions, toy swaps and knit-alongs.
Fuzzy Mitten is also on Facebook now, if you are already on there and don't feel like joining Ravelry. We just created the Facebook page, though, so there isn't much going on there yet.
Fuzzy Mitten is also on Facebook now, if you are already on there and don't feel like joining Ravelry. We just created the Facebook page, though, so there isn't much going on there yet.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Originally uploaded by mricon
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
help from my mom
I thought I would share with you two of the toys made by one of my test knitters - my mom! She was visiting when I first had the idea for the pattern, and listened patiently while I jabbered on about how I write patterns. I thought she might like to try out the pattern, and maybe wouldn't mind doing me a favour! I think her toys turned out pretty cute :) She said the feet are like big paws a puppy needs to grow into.
Also, I've been watching the poll for the last few days. The results don't seem to be changing much, and actually gave me a very god idea. I think what I'll do is sell the kits with just yarn and the pattern. I'll make up some tote bags and zip pouches, and list them separately. Then, if you buy a kit and a bag, I'll give you a discount on the total! How does that sound? That way you can buy the kit with the bag you want, or just the kit, or just the bag. It isn't much more work for me, I just need to take a few more photos.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
poll for raggedy pals kits
I've put up a little poll for kits, since you mentioned lots of different options. So far, the options seem to be with a tote bag (like those I've made before), a zip pouch (my idea, like this), a drawstring pouch (for easy gift-giving), or no bag at all (to cut down on the cost). All of these would come with a printed pattern, enough yarn to make 1 toy, buttons for eyes, and some stuff to embellish the finished toy (like ribbon). I've put price estimates there, in case that helps you decide (the estimates are not final). Also, you can choose more than one answer to the poll, if you like. Hopefully this will give me a better idea of what people want, so I can make that, instead of trying to guess and have nobody buy the kits!
I went through my yarn stash the other day, and I have lots of parcel out into kits. I did have to order a little bit, though, since I was missing a couple things I used in my toys. Now I just need to wait for your answers to the poll, and see if I need to find time for sewing.
I went through my yarn stash the other day, and I have lots of parcel out into kits. I did have to order a little bit, though, since I was missing a couple things I used in my toys. Now I just need to wait for your answers to the poll, and see if I need to find time for sewing.
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