Wednesday, December 3, 2008

give-away today!

In case you're dropping by here for the first time, thanks so much! Maybe you'll have a look around and find something worth reading. But without further ado, let's get on to the contest!

The prize: a printed copy of my new Festive Knits pattern book, sent directly from the printers to wherever you live. Or, if you already have the book, an equivalent value in goodies directly from me! If this is the case, I'll email you with a few questions to make sure I send stuff you'll enjoy.

The rules: very simple, just leave a comment on this post before 8:00 am EST tomorrow, including your name! Your email address would be useful too, but you must know I can't give a prize to anonymous.

The winner: I will use a random number generator to pick one of the commenters, and post that name here tomorrow morning. However, since I have to send the prize by this weekend, I need you to email me with your shipping address by Friday afternoon. If I don't hear back from the chosen winner by then, I will choose another.

Good luck! And don't forget, to increase your chances of winning something, check out the list of participating blogs on Sew Mama Sew.


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. said...

I'd love to be added to the draw please. Email (thecookieblog at gmail dot com).

Thank you :)


Rikke said...

I love your patterns, and I'd love to win your book! (mailrikke(at) gmail dot com)

Anya said...

Great book prize. THanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I have started knitting ....and its down to you!

Lovely lovely toysxxxx


Anonymous said...

Cool! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'll cross my fingers. Thanks for your generosity!

tan.huishan(at)gmail dot com

Melody said...

How lucky of me to chance on your blog! I'll love to win that!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Cool! Love your giveaway!


* elizabeth * said...

This would make a great gift for my friend! enter me pleeease!

Esther said...

Hi Barbara - what a great idea to have a giveaway! I saw your hubby's one but couldn't think of just ONE thing to say! Hope you a feeling well with the pregnancy, can't be too long left! Esther x(

Jackie said...

Please can you add me to the draw -I'd love to win a copy of your new book! I have knitted your little lamb and panda and would like to try out some more of your patterns.

Jackie x

Mare said...

Hi Barbara, please add me to the giveaway list! I don't have much luck at these things but i keep on trying! :) mare

A Little Of A Lot said...

Oh how sweet.
Please don't enter me to win the book as I can't knit to save my life, i just wanted to comment and wish you luck with the book and tell you how incredibly sweet those bunnies look

Ariel said...

Your patterns are so cute!! Thanks for the giveaway. :-)

~ Doreen said...

What a great give-away!


Anonymous said...

What a great prize...I'd love to knit something special for my daughter!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - how generous of you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Sandy in NJ

Anonymous said...

Add me in! Terrifically cute!

Robin in New Jersey said...

This book looks like a winner!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm truly inspired by your little friends. I'd love to have the whole menagerie. Add me to the mix -- I'd love to craft for the entire month! Email:

Claudia said...

That's a great gift! I'll keep my fingers crossed! :D
And I'm with the give-away day too if you want to check my blog:

Anonymous said...

Looks great. I don't knit but one of my friends would love this. New here via Sew Mama Sew.

miss said...

first time stopping in and a treat to find a book! thank you for entering me!

craftytammie said...

Congrats on the book, it looks cute! Hope I win it!

Claire MW said...

What fun! I never entered a give-away before. I just found your blog last night but already added it to my list of blogs I visit! If I am lucky enough to win, leave a comment on my little farm blog and I'll email!

cagio said...

I'm ever so lucky in so many ways
but never really for giveaways

wishing, wishing but either way thanks for the fun thing to wish for today~!

have a great holiday season and thanks for throwing some generous good cheer out there!

KCina said...

Thanks for the fun contest! Please add me to the list...Kathy C (Hillsboro, OR)

Awesome Mom said...

Ooo I would love to win so that I can knit my kids some cute softies.

Anonymous said...

I find your patterns make totally adorable knitted animals. So this is really an excellent opportunity to let you know that:)

Jenn said...

Oh Hurrah! I have been eager for your giveaway...mostly because I find your creations are so gosh-darn cute!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful-looking book.

Pauline Perh said...

Have been wanting to try knitting, would love to get this book.

Toukan äiti said...

Great prize! I'd love to be entered in the draw!

Gigi said...

I just started knitting toys a couple of months ago and would love to win your book -- thanks!!


Anina said...

Oh my! I'd love to win this!
Anina (twiddletails{at}gmail{dot}com)

Anonymous said...

I love knitted cuteness!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

You can gmail me at


Karen said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anja said...

Oh, great giveaway.

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, you have some of the cutest things ever! Would love the book!

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

What a treat! Thank you for your generosity.

Shini said...

Wow :D Sure love to win that! what an opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I would love to win - I have the book on my wish list :)

Anonymous said...

I love prizes! And your toys are so adorable! Darn it, I need grandchildren! NOW! :)

Anonymous said...

oops...I forgot to leave contact info. I am kelly-ann on Ravelry.

Eema-le said...

I love those rabbits.

ninjaeema at aol dot com

Alexa said...

I'd love to win your book. Email alexa.shelton(at)

Kendrah said...

Oooh, I'd love to be entered in the draw, please! <3


Unknown said...

These look so cute!

pigbook1 said...

I love this giveaway idea I hope to participate as a hostess next year, but this year I am going to try and win :-)

Stephanie said...

I love those patterns! We've got little ones in our extended family that would love to play with these. :) email: stephanie AT ourhomelearning DOT com


Robyn said...

What a great prize! Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

i love knitted animals! your original pattern is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered. I want to make a bunny for each of my girls.


Shaina said...

I know my sister would LOVE this!!

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns and would love this book! Please count me in!

Loralynn said...

How cute! Please enter me!

Renee said...

I'd love to be included in your drawing.

Meadow said...

I would love to win!

meadow(dot)wilde(at)gmail(dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be added to your drawing. I love to knit.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the book, thanks for the giveaway!!!


katie said...

I would so love to win!

Bea said...

What a great prize! I hope it's my lucky day.

beatrix.sadek at yahoo. com

Beca said...

I want this!! Thanks for the chance!

Starkie81 said...

I'd love to be added, I was going to buy this book but my husband made me buy a Nintendo Wii instead so now I'm poor and really want this book! Email
This book looks fab!

Tabatha said...

How can I resist!! Please add me to the give away. *crossesfingers*

tabathamary {at} gmail {dot} com

Minttusuklaa H said...

Add me to giveaway too.
Mint Choclate

by Annie Claire said...

Ive had my eye on this book for a while! - count me in!
Thanks, Merry Christmas :D

Debbie1085 said...

Yippeee! I love these kind of contests!
I love your patterns you make and all these adorable animals you made... Please enter me in your contest and I will cross my fingers for luck!
Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!

hana.k said...

I haven't started knitting yet but this book would be good to have because I plan on starting soon!

MDDD said...

We have been following your blog lately and love your talents, work and your expertise. Please enter us in the drawing!


sarah said...

yes please!

M.E. Greene said...

How about that! So cute! I'd love to win... I've been knitting since I was a wee girl of 11, and I've never fallen out of love with the art. leafygreenes at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm tossing my name in your virtual random number generator hat. I do so love the fuzzy mitten happiness. I'm Karin at duckies_in_a_rowATyahooDOTcom


Anonymous said...

This is so great!

Lisa said...

Please add me to the hat!! I want to learn to knit animals!

Tina said...

your book looks so fun! thanks for the giveaway.

shanna said...

add me to the drawing! i love the looks of that book!

Charity said...

I'd love to be included, please! :0)

Anonymous said...

...I'd like soooo much to win your great giveaway, I love your I'll keep my fingers crossed, goodness knows if Fortune, in the day of my birthday (yes, yes, it's tomorrow, 4th of december! :o)...), will smile on me! ;o)

A big hug from Italy and thanks again so much for this chance!

Sara (a.k.a Sarloz) said...

hi Barbara thank you for the opportunity to win your incredible book. I hope to gain a copy soon.

name : sara

Anonymous said...

Hi! Would love to win your new book so I can learn how to knit your adorable critters! Thanks, txJan

MichelleB said...

Your book looks fantastic!

Annie said...

I'd really love to win this book! I made your bat pattern a few months ago and it was so much fun :)

(railyuh at gmail dot come)

Anonymous said...

this would make a wonderful christmas present for my mom. happy holidays!

Siew said...

Those are some great patterns. Now to find the time before Christmas....

Rebecka said...

I would love to be in your drawing. I would love to win your book. Your blog is great. I will be back.
Rebecka, Lincoln NE

Anonymous said...

Great idea Barbara! Looks like a good turn out! Count me in too!

P.S. word verification - penda - kinda of like panda. Have you ever made a panda?

Jerri said...

So cute! I like your blog!

the Domina said...

knitted cuddlies - I hope I can be the lucky gal to make some from your book! Sara (sara_hemmeke at hotmail dot com)

Anonymous said...

Your patterns are wonderful! If I dont win I'll just have to buy the book anyway :)

Unknown said...

I'm not a knitter yet - but your book may just be the push I need :)

turvid said...

wow - great give-away!

Anonymous said...

Love love love your work!

r e b e c k a said...

I'd love to win your book!!
Thanks for participating in the giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the contest drawing - e-mail

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Barbara. Too good to miss: a giveaway from a master toy designer. Count me in.

Deb said...

too cute!!!1 Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!!!

adrienne said...

I'm so glad Sew, Mama, Sew linked me cute!

Anonymous said...

Your patterns are wonderful! I would love the chance to win your book. /Matilda

Just Lovely said...

How cute!

Anonymous said...

I've love to win that cute little pattern book!

Len said...

Thanks for hosting a giveaway- would like to knit up the bunny on the cover of your book

jill m said...

cute stuff!

Nikki said...

The book looks adorable! Well done!

Snyder Central said...

CUTE little bunnies in darling sweaters!

archiesgirl said...

So cute!! I'm a knitter so this obviously really appeals to me. Thanks for the give away!!

a Knitting Junkie! said...

Wonderful, wonderful! I would be ecstatic to win this one.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
(eat dot sleep dot knit at gmail dot com)

Jodie said...

Oh my cuteness! please pick me! thanks for the giveaway!


Meredith said...

I'd love to be entered in the giveaway!

Jenny W said...

Here's hoping I win!

jennywoodard {at} gmail {dot} com

Anne said...

Ohhhh, this would be the perfect christmas gift for my sil! Thanks for the giveaway!

Krista said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you! (kcasler at fandm dot edu)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog and your patterns are beautiful. My e-mail address is:

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win!! Thanks!

Eva said...

oh you know how much i love your work!!! i've knitted the bat and hopefully more to come soon :)

wayfarer said...

these are so cute!

Kaisuliina said...

Count me in, please! Book looks nice! :)

Christina said...

Those bunnies are cute! I'd love to win the book.

emicat said...

Great giveaway! Been fun visiting all these blogs that are new to me.

Thanks for the chance to win something really nice :)

Anonymous said...

Your animals are soooo cute. Add me to the list.

Rebecca said...

That book looks fabulous - thanks for the chance!

Jossan said...

Count me in! :D This is a great give-away! :D

Laura said...

I love your book! THe bunnies are so cute.

My email is

Emily said...

Thanks for doing this!

adamandem at yahoo dot com

Lisa said...

I'm crossing my fingers - I'd love to win the book! I just love your critters :)

Jessica said...

this would be a fantastic gift for one of my very good friends...I hope that I win!

Lili said...

Cute! I'm just learning to knit things beyond squares (scarves) and this book would be great!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I cant wait to explore more of your blog!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing, though I'm not a knitter-- my dh is the knitter in this family.

We're also expecting our first baby this January, though I'll be full term by the end of December and I'm kind of hoping he'll be ready then. I don't know about you but my belly is getting quite uncomfortable and I'm ready for him to be on the outside!!

Victoria said...

Oh my, too cute! This obsessive knitter would love to be added to drawing, thanks!


clementina said...

count me in.

The Giveaway Diva said...

ooo i would love that!!

Anonymous said...

oo i would love that book!!!


adrienne said...

Your patterns are adorable! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Catie said...

I would like to be entered into the draw. The patterns look wonderful. Email (

PatchworkPottery said...

Oh my goodness! What a great prize!!!
Hugs from Laurraine in Canada.

sfer said...

That would be a perfect chance to learn to make knitted stuffed animals! Count me in!!

(And I'm Silvia, aka sfer, by the way :-). Check out for OUR giveaway :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love to be in your draw! I am just a beginner when it comes to knitting so I like that word EASY I see on the pattern.
My details are in my profile.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed.

Jennie said...

Ooo count me in please!

Sue said...

What a gorgeous giveaway. How sweet they look in the book. Count me in too please!!

Selina said...

I love these patterns. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

keeping my fingers crossed - Lisa ( )

Nancy said...

Please include me in the drawing, I need some new patterns to get me out of this recliner.

manning117 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Your book looks wonderful.

julie_hyatt at hotmail dot com

Stacy said...

Oh, I'd love to win!

KHMama said...

How sweet! I'd love to try and knit a gift this holiday. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to be put in the draw? I'm always drooling over your patterns - they're soo cute soap_angel at hotmail dot com :D

Ali said...

I would love to win the book!!
mommyali at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love, love to have your book. Please count me in (ap_lemos(at) Thanks!

Betty said...

love to have the book. just got back to knitting and loving it.

Ritapizza said...

Thank you for this giveaway opportunity! You creations look so cute!

lao80 said...

very cute patterns.

AllBeehive said...

My mother would love this book. Thanks so much for your giveaway.

woolybooger said...

I love your patterns! I have gotten a few from your etsy store.

Linda said...

count me in please!


gingerspice said...

Please ,please add me to the draw for your new book. Really love your little cuties,
All the best

KitKnitty said...

So very cute! Count me in!

MaryAnne said...

Please add me to the drawing, it looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

Oh, please add me! I'm Lauren

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I love the patterns and the sweater on the bunny is awesome.

Brooke said...

How fun! Count me in!

The Momtastic Stitcher said...

Very very cute things!

Anonymous said...

i'd love to win your book. thanks for sharing!!

RockstarWife said...

These knitting patterns look so enticing! I have been knitting for almost two years and I am in love. I am always looking for new challenges. Thanks for being so generous with your book offering. Best wishes!

Unknown said...

Sign me up! That book looks great!

erika~ the inspired mama said...

awwww, what cute patterns!! i would love to win!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I would love this! Those patterns are soooo cute!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

isabel f. said...

great gift!! I wish...... :DD
I love this Give-away!! go see mine!!

Anonymous said...

Wow this is an incredibly generous giveaway! Please enter me into your contest!

affectioknit2 said...

What a great gift!

audreypawdrey said...

This looks like a great book!

Tina said...

plz include me!!! thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! We love bunnies at our house.

Angie said...

I just started knitting and this would be a great book to add to my collection.

K said...

I frequent your board and love your toys! I am anxious to make them. Thanks for the chance.

klvernon82 at yahoo dot com

Hilda said...

wow what a great giveaway!

Apryl said...

Great Giveaway! Nice to meet you! You can see my giveaway here:


RachelJ said...

Enter me!

jenna said...

Nice! Thanks for the giveaway!

Ludmilla said...

I bought your cute little rabbit with hoodie pattern, but it's still in my cue. All your patterns are darling. Best wishes for the holidays to you.

Anonymous said...

These are so cute!
jlf9474 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having the "give-away"! I hope I'm the lucky winner.

FlowerMomma said...

love it! Would love to win it!!

calicodaisy said...

That looks like a great book. Lovely bunnies. -- Michele

Breanna S. said...

Thanks for the chance to win

AM said...

Lovely looking book! Enter me please.

Kali said...

I'd love to sign up for your give away. Thank you for your generosity!


crazyestonian said...

I love your animals! I have been thinking of knitting the girly monkey for at least a year! Maybe for this Christmas :)

Ginny said...

Count me, looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

Your book is beautiful! I hope I win.

the goughs said...

I'd love this! Count me in!

Dani said...

love the book! dani{dot}millecam{at}

MB said...

please add me to the drawing thanks

Paige said...

I would just love to win your book - count me in, and thank you!

Denise said...

I would love to win this. I so enjoyed making your rabbits that I'd love to make other animals. They are all so very cute.

Kate said...

what a great giveaway! thank you!

annalea said...

your book looks great! count me in!

Annie Scarlett said...

I'd love a copy of your book. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

Anonymous said...

The pattern featured on the book cover is so cute! I imagine the rest of what's inside is adorable too!

beagoodmom said...

My SIL would lovet his book, I will give it to her. I hope we win.

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